Looking To Invest From Online Overseas

I am currently AD military overseas and I am looking to invest a bit of my spare money (<$3000) into a sound smaller investment. I attended a real estate investment seminar 2-3 years back (one of those people who try to sell you their investment kits) and made mental notes but declined to buy their pretty looking investment guides. I have done some research on tax lien and tax certificate investing and decided tax liens for the purpose of guaranteed interest was my best bet. The one thing is that since I am overseas, I am physically cut off from the USA and cannot do anything but online transactions and research. Will this harm my ability to research the property with reasonable success? Is there any reason to be physically available at the lot location other then research?

I am looking at some liens that seem to check out for the basic stuff... aerial photo, property value, lot location, physical items on the lot, year built etc., however it seems to simple. I wish I could post the lien I am looking at to see if I am doing this right before I actually go ahead and start investing.

Thanks in advance for any information!


  • cjmazur29th November, 2008

    I would suggest that you work w/ a mentor to help you w/ the 1st couple of deals.

  • Njctax2nd December, 2008

    Well like I said, I am overseas and as far as I know I know no one over here who even does any RE investing. Anyone have any suggestions?

  • cjmazur2nd December, 2008

    Depending on your time zone, I might be able to help.

  • Njctax3rd December, 2008

    GMT + 1, a lot of hours off west coast.

  • cjmazur3rd December, 2008

    LOL... How earlier do I get up or late do you stay up?

  • Njctax3rd December, 2008

    Name your time and I will try to adjust. The students go to class when the teachers say.

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