Looking like a Professional Real Estate Investor

Using the internet to market yourself has become a challenging task in the world of Real Estate Investing. If you don't have a personal web page already that makes you look like a pro. (BTW TCI's parent company has some great deals for website design and hosting. You can visit them at www.webbgroup.net for details.)

Creating a website for an investor is a great solution to ... getting potential leads in your area, showing your houses you want to sell, and to keep your rental applications available to download.

Now granted some of your tenants won't even have a computer, nor know how to work the internet, but having a website will give you the ability to market towards the people who do have that abiity.

How many times have you been called out to a property that you needed to rent out and have been a no show. If your selling vs. renting, this 'no show ratio' is different. But emailing your listings to the person directly will allow them to follow the link right to your place on the internet where they can view it. This can weed out the not so interested persons and get you the persons that are eager to rent out your place.

To give an example on how this can be done, we have found one Creative Investor that has done this. Robert Aston has targeted his audience and provided a way to the page with all of his listings. Whenever he enters his properties that he wants to sell, he can enter them in the TCIRealty database. Then by useing our TCIRealtyPartner page he can let his potential customers view his listings. The best part about this is that once this is created, all Robert needs to do is manage his properties in the database. His customers do the rest!

Here is the link to Roberts great site

And here is the link to more directions to set your own website up using the TCI Realty Database.


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