Looking for investors in MH paper.

Does anyone know of any funders or private investors that purchase mobile home paper? These particular mobile home notes are not secured with the land. I found someone who owns about 60 of these type of notes and is looking for some partial quotes. I appreciate any help. Thanks! confused


  • Lfire23rd April, 2002

    I might be able to help you. I have a list of moble home paper buyers who might be interested in the notes. I will need full details on what you have. Do you have the notes tied up? How are you involved in this deal? Let me know as soon as possible...

  • 2nd May, 2002

    Hello. I can send you the info via fax if you'd like. My investors do not fund these particular MH deal since they are not secured with the land. This noteholder found me online and currently and have some investors looking at the notes but no solid deals yet. My email is jeanelle@jeanellegarcia.com. Thanks

  • ram19th February, 2003

    I broker and invest in MH purchases and related notes...we like Texas deals, <5yrs. old, and RE included...we're setup for redo, moving and financing/reselling...exp and very qualified for anticipated buying opps in North Texas. ramisdom@sbcglobal.net is best contact vehicle with as much detail (make/model, YOC, locales, SN, repo#) as possible.

  • appraiserman6th August, 2003


    I am a Broker, have several different individual investors who are interested in this kind of oopportunity!!

    Harry W. Murphy

    [ Edited by appraiserman on Date 08/06/2003 ]

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