Looking For Investor/mentor In Michigan, Teach Me The Ropes.

I have recently been introduced to this business, but I have done a little research, I am anxious and excited to learn more, I have found some pretty interesting properties that I m sure would be great investments, but I dont know where to begin, any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated
Thank you!
Susan in MI smile


  • lildell12th August, 2003

    get loan approval to see how much you qualify for.

  • bluearth15th August, 2003

    Hello Susan,
    Where are you located in MI.?

  • susangrms15th August, 2003

    Im am located in the metro-Detroit area, where yippy yahoooo my powr just came back on, after 2 days of 90 degree temps.

  • bluearth16th August, 2003

    I have family there... I look'd at USA Today today and the picture showed NY.,NY.. Headline read... 50,000,000 without power. Apparently it wasn't Biin Laden or one of Jrs other playmates so I was at least relieved to understand that.

    I sent my little sweetie (5 yr old daughter) Melissa a bag of jellie bellies about 3 day before... so I knew she wouldn't starve.

    Anyow it appears things will come back online so as to speak so, can we be confident that this will not happen again one has to wonder(?). I know I would if< I lived there ever again. Some years ago I made a break for sanity and used Y2K as my excuse - best move I ever made or probably will make. Quite the story actually but who has the time these days..(its certainly funny though) especially when everyone knows TIME is accelerating. (That sould be in the headlines)

    Well as you can see I am or must be publically know on this site as a "newbie". And if the shoe fits I suppose I am a "newbie". Currently my head is filled with enough information this business and real business, but more plentiful of investment and real estate opportuniy(s) at the moment and this is wy I am responding now. If it cannot consistantly keep one one in the black or fill the sack for the extended play then I usually set it asside right off. I don't even care much for the term opportunity as just about everything is an opportunity especially with the damm spamercials on the net these days. Make money this way and that way!!! Join now or be a loser - seems to be the common theme. So here I am like all the rest specifically talking about coin tonight. Sacks full of it too. Plenty of room throughout the day for metaphysical study and observations so I digress for the moment to the subject of value for value - known genericly by most as "money".

    Yet break it down... it IS nothing but... "value for value".

    So, in short I am probably not what you had in mind by your original post. You are looking for something specific by the sounds of it. What that exactly is I have no clue as all I could do is guess. I would guess you are looking for someone that can ultimatly lead you to the bag of money (ultimate value in your imaginery bag would be what?) at the end of the rain bow! Seriously... break it down and that probably is the bottomline... or perhaps it should be. Could you do me a favor Susan and pass the persons card along to me if they decide to take you up on your offer. Which is what exactly? What are you offering in exchange for your willingness to train and draw knowledge from an already knowledgeable source?

    See I'm thinkin' that I would say something like... "Brite, Intelligent, Thoughfull, Hardworking and Creative person offering these sincere qualities and others pertinant in exchange for.... Leadership Training in the field and/or craft of B-Doging. Should this style of investor consider and follow thur by inquiring further and ultimately commitmng themselves to this arrangement... they will be very glad they did!!!$$$ > just as an off the cuff ad. I don't know... just a thought.

    I think that easy 70% of the folks on this site and in this business period if they could find a sack of "money" with "X"(?) in it would quit tomorrow - that is if they didn't have some business that they gave their word on to complete wasn't pending. So. I suppose for me I like to know what someone needs to have in that sack and then I put the thinking cap on. Focus on things that can provide that amount. What am I willing to trade... value for value so that all parties are more than satisfied. Yes more is better. Always. Its amazing how many people don't know how much is sufficient for them. They all want a million, but really havn't a clue what they can do other than spend it on luxury pampering themselves and those they love.. This to me this is flat as in boring ... non-exciting usless selfish concept. Yes we all want this and we all want that and don't forget the easy chair in the corner with the big screen controller in the side pocket. Heck as many sports cars as there are out there... buy a horse and let anyone who ever wanted to ride a horse but never did ride it until the thing died comfortably of old age and more organically grown grain then a damm hourse out to have the right to eat. Start a pirate radio station and really educate those that can appreciate value for value. Why not... someone built this site and it seems useful enough full of information of sorts. Speaking of which have you ordered the 48 dollar "all you need" B'Doggin e-book yet?

    I hope you get what you are after and I will - if you don't mind watch and pay attention that I may learn something from you request or plea for assistance. Perhaps you already have the tools in your seemingly empty tool bag to make your dreams reality. I know I have run across interesting potentials here where I live yet I am limited to conducting my affairs in discreet mode - and I like it that way.

    I think my e-mail is on file.

  • boyd444430th September, 2003

    Susan, Still lookng for a mentor? E-mail me and we see if we can come up with something.

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