Looking For Hard Ugly Money Lenders In Ca.

I run across people in NOD who have equity, but sometimes no job, have declared Bankruptcy, bad credit, etc.
Does anyone know of hard money lenders in CA that don't care about any of that and will loan based on equity percentage (and most likely a 2nd loan)?
I'm looking for a referral fee from those deals if I the owner doesn't want to sell.


  • nlsecor18th December, 2003

    I know a guy who knows a guy. J/K
    If you are looking for yourself, no problem. If you are looking for stubborn people who are being forclosed on, and are not yet ready to face reality, then possibly. Not sure if it's kosher to throw names and numbers on my posts, so PM me if you think I got the right idea. My lender does it all, they have their own cash, and the guys you talk to make the decision. If they feel safe, thay will loan the cash.

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