Looking For Creative Ideas

Here is a brief scenario we are dealing with:
We have a property for sale the we NEED to get out of before the money runs out! We believe we have a buyer but she has to sell her house first, and the realtor she has is a flake. He won't terminate the agreement so she can move to a better firm. SOOOOO....
We thought maybe there would be a way to do a L/O on her house to get her some money to put down on our house as a L/O. Both would run concurrent 1 year options.
OR she does enough demanding of services to piss off her realtor to terminate the agreement, then OUR realtor has a program that would let her move up to our listing if he has her listing and then he would buy her out. How can she get out of her agreement legally?
Any other ideas on how to get this deal done? She REALLY wants our house and we REALLY want to sell it to her!!


  • ray_higdon16th September, 2004

    Not following you, what does the realtor associated with selling her house have to do with it? Is she providing instructions to the realtor that they are not following? If so, have them let the realtor know that they will be complaining to the local board of realtors if it continues.

  • dlitedan16th September, 2004

    I agree, the one thing realtors hate more then losing a commission is bad publicity. they may pretend that they dont care about you letting someone know how bad they are but a realtors bread and butter buisness is referrals, and if you start messing with it, a smart realtor will let you go. but you will need to stand firm and let him know you meen buisness.

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