Looking For Book- 100 Ways...

Hey guys-
A couple years ago, one of the guru's produced a book on 100 Creative Ways to do deals in REI. Basically, from what I was told, is it gave 100 different types of deals, mixed in with different financing methods, and showed you how to multiply your take on a deal, rather than just flipping a property or keeping it as a rental. Basically, some financial wizards got together and showed all the crazy stuff you can do with money from real estate. Does anyone know who wrote the book, and the name of it?


  • jeff120022nd September, 2004

    Ed Beckley, the self proclaimed "Millionaire maker" had a book like what you've described, and Dave Del Dotto had one claiming to tell you how to write 1001 creative purchase offers that sellers can't resist. Both were from the early to mid 80's, and neither is still in the "real estate guru" business. Their entire courses can sometimes be found on EBAY for around $15.00.


  • eyal8r2nd September, 2004

    hmmm- no this definitely came out in the last couple years from a bigger name guru. It MAY have been a book about how you can enclose a carport into a garage and make an extra $5k, add this to increase the FMV by this much kind of a book as well. Man- I wish I could remember. Any ideas?
    Thanks again

  • Pass2nd September, 2004

    Only thing I found while searching on google for ya is:

    No Down Payment Formulas Over 100 Ways to Buy Real Estate for Little or Nothing Down
    by Ed Beckley

    Try searching Google and use like the " " marks too.

    Just my 2 cents :-o

  • jeff120022nd September, 2004

    OK, I think I have it. "101 ways to massively increase the value of your real estate without spending too much money" by Dolf de Roos. He's one of Robert Kiyosaki's buddy's

  • eyal8r2nd September, 2004

    AHHH! That COULD BE it! Checking the reviews now- THANK YOU!!! Ill post back in a sec...

    Hmmm- ya know? It could be it- I dont know tho. Here's what I remember- this guy was talking about a combination of things- adding a garage, etc for one- but then also doing some creative financing on the deal to DRAMATICALLY increase your yields. While you and I might buy a house and rent it out or flip it, he would do some creative financing and nearly DOUBLE the yield on the deal. Man, I wish I could talk to this guy again and ask him about it. Who knows- it very well could have been this book, and a combination of another... Thank you tho- this is a huge help!

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