Looking for bird dogs in MN!

I am looking for some birddogs to flush out some good residential property deals in the Twin Cities area. Specifically, I am looking at SFR, duples, triplexs, and 4-plexes. The only land I will consider is lake front property.

These can be good L/O, cash purchase or terms deals. If you are someone living in the Twin Cities area, send me an email.

Quite frankly, the reason why I am looking for some birddogs is that my time for looking for good, profitable real estate deals is my time is extremely limited (between running my law practice and posting to this website, my wife is starting to question who I am married to!).

It doesn't matter if the property needs fix-up or repairs. In fact, I would be happy to teach a few birddogs some of the things I have learned in my years of investing in return for finding some great deals that can make both of us some nice profits!

Thanks. After receiving your email, I will personally call you or give you my contact information to call me.


Taxjunkie[ Edited by taxjunkie on Date 04/25/2003 ]


  • JohnLocke25th April, 2003


    It is great to see a pro investor such as yourself willing to help Bird Dogs. I have been doing if for years with great success.

    Your offer to teach them is an offer someone should jump on in your area, but remember Bird Dogs you need to get out there and find what taxjunkie is looking for.

    As far as waterfront property is concerned, as soon as the fault finally gives way in California, then Nevada is the place to invest for waterfront property.

    Seriously, I have a fellow investor that only has invested in waterfront property the ROI has been excellent, probably excellent isn't really the right word, more like WOW.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • alarson26th April, 2003

    I am in MN and we are coming across some deals. I'd be happy to work with you. Email me and we'll get something set up. We have some in the works right now and need someone with CA$$H!!

  • daven1128th April, 2003

    Would you consider a prop in western WI?

  • 29th April, 2003

    Thanks JL and everyone else that has responded to my post.

    John, about 15 years ago I bought alot of property in Western CA just over the San Andreas Fault line (in the desert) expecting it to be beachfront property in only a few short years with all the earthquakes in CA. [not really] Needless to say, I still waiting!!!

    Seriously though, I have found waterfront property has made me a lot of money, especially for my buy and hold properties. Minnesota and Wisconsin lakefront properties have been averaging 15%-19% annual appreciation over the last 6-7 years. That is a nice return for my money. It is extremely difficult to find good lakefront property now within 1 hr drive of the Mpls/St. Paul that is a good deal. It is not uncommon to find 0.25 or less acre lake lots (no buildings on it if you are lucky -- most have cabins though) lots going for over $200,000. For lakelots, I will buy very large tracts and subdivide it and resell the individual lots for a nice profit.

    But quick frankly, I will look at any real estate deal if there is a profit to be made, since every piece of real estate looks green to me (as in dollars), even in the snowy winters here in MN!

    Thanks again to all that have responded.


  • loon29th May, 2003

    How far will you go? How about 260 miles north of Mpls? 7.7 acres, 600 feet lakeshore (not sandy beach though), split level 1970s home 2000 sq. ft. Rural, small town setting but 1/2 mile to P.O., bank, hardware store, grocery, on paved road (no visible from house) with city water/sewer, 350 acre lake is eutrophic/hypertrophic, undeveloped and full of waterfowl and wildlife (great X-C skiing too) and not well suited at all for speedboats/jetskis, so it's very quiet. Even snowmobiles don't use it much in winter. Over half of the land is quite low, would face DNR issues for building, but there is a nice high ridge. It is paradise for the right buyer. It could be had on CD. I'm currently renting it, but a 45 mile one way commute to work is too much.

    thomas, handyloon@hotmail.com

  • JohnLocke29th May, 2003


    I can understand the waterfront property very well, here is a deal I did in Oregon.

    I found a property on a lake which connected to the ocean. Great fishing by the way and crabbing.

    I bought three properties surrounding the one I bought on the lake for far less than lake frontage property, these properties did not have lake access now they do, with the road I graded in through my property.

    Guess what happened to the value of these other three properties now that they had lake access, well being a water man you can figure it out.

    John $Cash$ Locke

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