Looking For A Good Residential Property Management Company In ID

Hi, I am new to this website. My previous post got deleted because I had my title in capital letters. I am re-posting it.

I am trying to look for a good property management company in Boise and Meridian area in ID. I am out-of-state owner of my investment properties, and my current property management company is very irresponsible. Please recommend me a reputable comany if you happen to know one. Thank you very much.

[ Edited by kate777lee on Date 12/07/2007 ]


  • d_random7th December, 2007

    This is basically why I have no tenant repairs allowed in my lease. In the process of trying to fix the problem themselves they make a bigger, more expensive problem. Also their repairs might even cause a danger to themselves and destroy the property.

  • edmeyer7th December, 2007

    You might have them contact you for approval before any tenant repairs. Having tenants deal with benign repairs is a plus. In a seminar I took many years ago a rental discount was given for on time rents and for the tenant to do repairs on items under $100.

  • ypochris7th December, 2007

    Great tip!


  • fdi11th November, 2007

    Had a simliar situation in NYC. Tenant had a stroke & could not return to the apartment without an attendant. Social worker arranged for tenant to go into nursing home and arranged for family members to take out belongings. Social worker was also going to draft up what to do if family members were not available clear out residence. If rent is subsidized, highly recommend talking to social worker.

  • haynesm30th November, 2007

    You got out of this situation ok but others may run into it at a later date. Sorry to hear about tenant. I had a renter die while renting a sfh from me. None of her relatives wanted anything to do with “nothing” so it went to probate. To make a long story short. She did have some insurance and I finally got paid my monies. Took probate about 3 months to do their thing. I wasn’t allowed in the property during that time. However, as it was winter time I went in anyway and winterized the property. Heat and electric had been turned off, couldn’t get it back on. It could have been a mess it finally turned out OK. For your general information you may have a lost and unclaimed property statute you can bone up on. Following is one for MO. Don’t forget your attorney.

    Lost and Unclaimed Property

  • hoober11th December, 2007

    good points - thanks for the insight

  • cash4housesandnotes9th December, 2007

    Yeah, Kind of brings to mind the french term lazze faire, which has been used throughout history to express peoples beliefs that the government should keep their nose out of capitalism. It literally means leave it alone. Capitalism is supposed to be more or less self regulating, fixing of interest rates on ARM loans seems like a socialist act. They might succeed, but with any luck capitalism will gain the upper hand and their will be a compromise that works for everyone...like a fixed rate that is below prime, higher than their origional ARM rate, and higher than the fixed rate of loans that were granted when the loan was originated. Lets Hope

  • bgrossnickle9th December, 2007

    I wonder how many people will be helped by this freezing of ARM rates? Most of my foreclosure clients have already had them adjust up to 10-12%. I suppose there are some mortgagors who have not had them adjust yet. But what are the numbers for people who have already had them adjust versus who have not yet adjusted?

  • cmon10th December, 2007

    Chris, you did the right thing. Even if you had bought properties with ARMs, you would not benefit from the upcoming act of Congress. It only applies to people who live in their homes, not investors.
    I also do not think REOs will stop flooding the market. This initiative will help only a fraction of the people who need it, so it will do practically nothing to stave off the wave of foreclosures we will see in the next year or two.
    What pisses me is all the media reports that use "speculators" and "investors" interchangeably, as if they are the same.
    Investors make their money when they buy. Speculators are just that. They buy high and hope for appreciation. They are the ones who are to blame for the housing bubble that is now popping, not investors, most of whom are in it for the long haul and are providing affordable housing to needy folks along the way.
    Investors are not the scourge the media and the government make them out to be.

    [ Edited by cmon on Date 12/10/2007 ][ Edited by cmon on Date 12/10/2007 ]

  • notime512th December, 2007

    You have nothing to be upset about.
    This ARM freeze is a joke, only a few will be actually helped. Very few will qualify. It is not yet clear that the actual note holders will agree to freeze anything. A good portion of these notes are owned by overseas investors. Our government can only ask, they can not enforce this freeze if the investor is unwilling. The mortgage is a civil contract, the government can not just spot amend these things.

    Just ignor all the media, and do what you feel is the right investment stratagy. You will be far ahead. We are going to see massive amounts of foreclosures in the coming months. Get ready to buy at a big discount

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