Locating Owners Of Vacant Houses

Hi, everyone I am a newbie in realestate. I have been reading this board for months now. I went around my area and found about 10 vacant houses but I have had a hard time reaching the owners. I have used the tax rolll and no forwarding address. What's left for me to do. Need help, Please. Thank you :-( :-( :-(


  • HasSpoken25th March, 2004

    What I usually do is pull up the mortgage and see if they have a co signer, if they do I look for that person. Check and see if the co signer owns a home and stop by. I also try and find all recorded documents on the absentee homeowner, lets say they got divorced, I would try and find their ex. Hope this helps, Tim 8-)

  • steeler1925th March, 2004

    Send a letter to the vacant home - maybe they left a forwarding address with the USPS and they may get it after all. Or it could bounce back to you. If it's just a standard curb side mailbox you could always check it in a few days and see if your letter is in there also just to check what happened to it. You could also return receipt it so that you know it got delivered.

  • ligem25th March, 2004

    there are plenty of "find the owner" type websites that charge nominal fees for locating lost owners. Look up "tracers", people finders, stuff like that on the web and you will find plenty of resources that you can pay to find the owner for you.

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