Local Wall Street "Guru" Proves What An Idiot He Is!!!

Please let him know what you think!!!

The other day I called a locally produced daily financial program with a "well known" Wall Street "Guru" Rob Black on a local tv station here in the Bay Area. To make a long story short, I asked the guy why he was not discussing what it is that we all do and the yields that we make.

Check this link, please go to the 4:00 min mark, that is where it starts. It lasts for approx 1:20 min.


Please cut and paste.

After you listen to this character and his cohort, I am asking you to send this guy your thoughts on what he thinks about our business.
His addresses are as follows:

the board will not let me post the idiots email addresses, please do the following:

then follow the links to Rob Black for his email addresses

As one of my mentors had stated to me in regards to this issue recently " EDUCATE HIM "

Let me know what you think of this guy.

Thanks for your time and your input in advance.[ Edited by appraiserman on Date 07/06/2003 ]


  • DaveT6th July, 2003

    Why bother? I gather that this guy makes his living giving stock market advice. He does not want to be educated on the mobile home investment business.

    He did ask you to prove your statement ("Show me the numbers"wink but you chose not to accept his challenge. You could have said, "I will be happy to show you my numbers for the last five years, and I will be more than willing to let you have them audited by an independent auditor of your choosing." Instead you both engaged in a childish exchange that got neither of you anywhere. You could just consider the source and let it go.

    Rather than enlisting our help in proving your point, it might be better to contact the show's moderator and offer to prove to her that you are really getting the investment returns you claimed. Then offer to appear on the show to describe your business and the investment returns that are possible. You may even get quite a few seller leads with this free marketing opportunity.[ Edited by DaveT on Date 07/06/2003 ]

  • appraiserman6th July, 2003


    Just curious, did you listen to the audio link??
    He cut me off before I had the chance for rebuttal.

    The reason that I am asking for help from the Board members is to get this individual more anecdotal avidence than I can provide.

    If you would take the time to listen to the link, it is not just me that the SOB attacked.
    And, to be quite honest, I want to prove this peice of _ _ _ _ ( u fill in the blank )wrong. He accused me of running a Pyramid Scheme among other things.


    What would YOU do if this alleged 'pillar of the community" attacked YOU in this fashion??
    Please, listen to the link, then give me your response to MY question!

    Once again, thanks for you time.[ Edited by appraiserman on Date 07/06/2003 ]

  • rajwarrior6th July, 2003

    You're right, he did cut you off.

    And I agree with Dave. Call the show and offer to prove it to them, on air (hey, maybe even a live debate?).

    I'm sure that they would be interested, and as Dave said free airtime for you.

    Otherwise, chalk it up as another educated idiot and move on.


  • appraiserman6th July, 2003


    The reason that I am asking for others to contact this clown is exactly that. In an email that he sent to me after the show, this educated-idiot has offered me 3 minutes - uninterupted if I can prove this to him and make absolutly no mistake - there WILL BE AN APOLOGY coming my way.

    I am trying to generate enough overwhelming response to this guys news station in order to elicit an apology, considering what he had to say about what it is that we do.

    I, at this time just do not have enough proof of how much yield that we ( those of us that buy, sell,trade M/H ) generate on every sale.

    Thanks for your time.

  • rajwarrior7th July, 2003

    Well Harry, no offense intended, but if you don't personally have the proof to back up your claim, then maybe you shouldn't have bothered calling in.

    I know that if I were put on the spot the way that you did him, I would want you to prove it, too. I don't think that others calling in on your behalf will do much justice.

    If you want to challenge the guy, do it with your own figures and statistics, not someone else's.

    Of course, the downside to all of this is if you actually do prove your 40% return, then we'll probably start having tons of inexperienced people flocking to buy up notes, mh's, and houses in the hope of getting that kind of return. That will cause all kinds of problems with the REI community.

    Good luck


  • appraiserman7th July, 2003


    Three things.

    1) As I clearly stated, which I will re-state - I don't have ENOUGH info. The more info presented, the clearer my point is.

    2) Please tell me, that you are not suggesting, that after this IDIOT insinuates that I am a crook on live Television, that I roll over into the FETAL POSITION and play dead "for the REI community". ( just looking for clarification on that!! )

    3) Might I elicit your thoughts on this topic, if the shoe was on the other foot, what you think or might do. All things being equal.

    Thanks for your time.[ Edited by appraiserman on Date 07/07/2003 ]

  • rajwarrior7th July, 2003

    All things being equal, we wouldn't be having this conversation because I would never have called in the first place.

    But, if I did and you want it by the numbers, here you go:

    1)As I clearly stated and will restate, If you don't personally have the paperwork to prove your claim of 40% return, then maybe you shouldn't have called questioning him. I'm pretty sure that he can back up his claims, and he won't be going to the bullpen (other investors) to pull his stats from.

    2)You called this guy's show, traded insults, offered no proof of your statement, and are now upset because he got the last word in? There's 2 things to do here. Put your ego back in your pocket and forget about it, or refer to number 1 above. (BTW, I heard no negative reference at all to the 'REI community.' Just his thought on what you might be doing, and we all know about opinions).

    What's bothering you the most about this. That he cut you off? That you don't have the info to back up your claim? That he made comments about what you 'might' be doing? That he doesn't know about RE investing? What?

    Unless I'm missing something, I think you're blowing it out of portion. Live and learn and walk on, dude.


  • InActive_Account7th July, 2003

    sorry..just for my personal curiosity ( and I second what rajwarrior posted btw)...I still don't understand why you called in at all....leave 'em where they are...or do you want a bunch of locusts coming into REI without a clue and even less ethics to ruin this industry - no ...I didn't think so...

    Cheers and good investing


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