Live Operator For Screening Sellers?

Hey gang, I am currently in the middle of my first two REI projects, both of which are rehab and sell.

I want to also start doing sub to deals and am very familiare with the whole process. I have even done one that I took sub to but did not record it and ultimately decided to attempt a short sale instead. Although I am pretty familiar with the process, I am still planning on investing in Locke's full sub to course very soon. Here is my question. I am starting to think about my marketing strategy and am planning on using bootlegs (signs on side of road), signs on my vehicles, a newspaper ad or two and also marketing through the internet (several lead generators). I am considering using a service that gives you a toll free # that will be answered 24/7 by a live operator who will then lead them through a series of screening questions. I am pretty comfortable on knowing what needs to be asked to determined how motivated they are. The service is not very expensive.

Are any of you using something like this? Any other advice for someone just getting into sub to's but eager to go???

Thanks in advance.



  • DaShow11th October, 2004

    i use an 800# that is 24hr recorded info. Having an actual human answer sounds expensive. I'd be interested to know more about this service as well as the cost.

  • suntzu1811th October, 2004

    From what my investor friend tells me, it is not very expensive at all. They answer the phone screen according to the questions you give and then email you the info on the motivated sellers. My friend likes it alot, I was curious as to whether anyone else uses anything similar.


  • ncboater12th October, 2004

    I have looked into them and they run around $80.00/month. You can give them a script to follow which they can ask the question's you need. Then they e-mail you with the information. I would call a 800# bandit sign or some of your biggers REI's in your area. Some of them use answering serivces like this. That's what I did and I just asked them to put me in touch with somebody who can help me out with purchasing this service. Most 800#'s with ext'n's are these.

  • suntzu1812th October, 2004

    The one I have looked at is $29 a month with about a $20 setup fee and also some minute usage charges, but you would have to have a pretty decent amount to get to $80/mo. Either way, tons calls is probably worth the additional expense I would think...


  • ncboater12th October, 2004

    It was a flat fee and that included the #, e-mail, 24hr service. Needless to say I still answer my own phone. I thought it was high also. I only purchase about 3 homes a month,but when I go to sell or rent is when the phone gets busy. Screening calls can be a pain sometimes. When I get bigger I will need this for both ends of the transactions.

  • ClemsonInvestor19th October, 2004

    Would you mind letting me know what service you found for those prices? I've been looking for a good service and would appreciate the help.


  • ncboater18th October, 2004

    Look at this link:
    Also do a search under this forum on NC AG.
    This is what could happen. If you don't have enough money to cover payments than I would suggest that you don't take property Sub 2. Read as much as you can here on Sub 2 because if you do it wrong it's only going to hurt everybody in the end.

  • DonBatzini18th October, 2004

    already read that post about 3 months ago. but thanks for trying NC boater. i wasnt really looking for a sucluded example. im well aware of whats going on in NC and it seems that no matter what your doing out there someone will have a problem. but im looking for a description of just general reprocussions and like i said ive taken properties sub2 successfully and sold properties successfully so NO comments about "dont do sub2" please.

  • ncboater18th October, 2004

    Well by your post I wouldn't have guessed that you have done Sub 2. Sorry . But there are other posts on this forum that does give the reprocusions. I'm sure that you have read Diane's posts.

  • DonBatzini18th October, 2004

    NC Boater, yes i have read Dian's post and like i have said im well aware of whats going on in NC and i think its a JOKE this is what happens when people who dont have any power over anyone and were probably bullied all their life are given a job as attorney general. all of a sudden they have this power which they have never had and feel the need to flex there muscle just because they can.
    but like i said im just looking for some insight, possibly from someone who has been infront of the judge and named as a third party in a case. just trying to figure out what exactly can happen or what will happen? thanks

  • myfrogger18th October, 2004

    Just remember that one mad client is worse than ten happy clients.

  • DonBatzini18th October, 2004

    MyFrogger, you obviously didnt take the time to read my post! please dont reply if you have no insight to my question. thanks

  • InActive_Account19th October, 2004

    I'm sorry if I am about to come across argumentitive.


    Who do you think you are? Anyone can respond to any post in this forum should they choose to, and perhaps myfrogger didn't exercise "insight" as you say , to your question but nevertheless good advice is good advice. Chill out and relax for a moment. remember were all here to learn and any responses to your post isn't just for your benefit , it is for everyone reading


  • DonBatzini19th October, 2004

    Raj, actually the type of answer im looking to get is an informative one. i also do not think i was "Smarting back" at NC boater. i had explained in the last sentence of my first post that i didnt want any "dont do sub2" remarks because they are not informative, and it seems thats the only type of response most people on this board can give either because they dont care or they dont wont to take the time to think about anything.

    that aside, thanks for the info that you gave. i will look into the whole breach of contract issue, because on most purchase agreemants you dont guarantee that you will keep the payments current, although it is excpeted of you. this is the kind of response i was looking for, information not smart remarks about how to set up my buisness properly. and when i refered to the NC AG being a joke i didnt mean it as being funny. i meant it as bulls#&t because the AG is out to get investors that operate there buisness legally and truthfully, so to me its bulls#*t. weather or not it stemed from a bad investor or not. so maybe next time i will just send my question down to the legal section if its going to be like this. i just thought that some investors might have an understanding of the legal reprocussions thats all.

    SacVestor, thanks for the response. im glad you are here to learn. i also beleive that this forum should be used for learning purposes, that is why i put a disclosure at the bottom of my post. because i didnt want uninformative answers, and i thought i asked a very specific question. i just thought that myfroggers reply was common sense and unnecessary if he had read the bottom of my first post. but it is good advice i will agree with you on that.

    [ Edited by DonBatzini on Date 10/19/2004 ]

  • JohnLocke19th October, 2004


    Glad to meet you.

    Here is probably one of the most famous cases of exactly what you are asking about. This lady had about 45 properties involved, some posters on another board had her hanging from the yard arm and headed for the hoosegow.

    Bottom line you might find yourself in a civil suit, however if your paperwork is up to par with the state statutes then you are headed in the right direction. I would imagine the bankruptcy will wipe out the debt from any civil suits.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • DonBatzini19th October, 2004

    John thanks for the helpfull response.

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