Listing Price


I located a property that had a listing price of $5,000.
This was an incorrect price. It should have been $5,000,000. Can I insist that I be sold this property at the orginal asking price.



  • NancyChadwick27th April, 2005

    Well, this was clearly an error and one that presumably the listing agent has corrected. Not likely that the seller is going to sign a deal for $5K when the listing price for the property is actually $5mil.


  • kbrogdon27th April, 2005


    Is there a law on the books that states, even though
    is was a mistake, that they must sell at the listing price?


  • Deetaylor30th April, 2005

    Thanks for your reply.[ Edited by Deetaylor on Date 04/30/2005 ]

  • ltanksley30th April, 2005

    Even it the place is sold "as is", the seller has a legal obligation of disclosure for known problems you inquire about. Ask!!

    And more importantly, lower your bid a ton. I mean about twice what you believe repairs will be. The seller will start singing like a bird if he wants the sell and wants to dispute why he should lower the asking price. Be sure to state you are lowering your bid for specific reasons. The seller can then tell you why this is too low, clam up and back out, or start talking about needed repairs he/she knows of or thinks he/she knows of.

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