List Vs Worth Price?

Hey all, I'm veeeeerrrryyy new to REI, but I was recommended to this site from a friend as a start.

I've noticed that the houses listed on this site have a list price and a worth price and the worth price is generally moer than the aforementioned. Is the list price the actual appraised value? ANd if so, how can a house be appraised for less than what it's worth? Thanks grin


  • chuff19th August, 2004

    List price = Asking price for it.
    Worth price= ~Appraised Value(What someone will give for it)

    Example: Generally a realtor/FSBO (For Sale By Owner) will LIST a house for about 85K and it may be WORTH maybe more or less. The worth is determined by what the appraisal maybe v/s what the investor/buyer is calculating it to be to him.

  • cashmoni20th August, 2004

    Thanks Chuff. I thought as much, but I guess I was unsure becuase so many homes were going for under the actual appraised values. I guess then, those are some great deals. Thanks again grin

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