lis pendens

i recently went to the local courthouse to search lis pendens and was told that i could not do a broad search of LP's that had been filed(in the last 30 days) and that I could only search if I had a name or an address for a specific person.
Question- Is there a way to do a general search for LP's???
many thanks....
**Please See My Profile** confused


  • 11th June, 2003

    I guess it depends on the courthouse.
    It would help if you have the address of the property in question.
    I would ask them to show you the whole list where you can finger through yourself. Telling them that you are an investor looking for distressed owners and that it is you right to obtain the information they have, will almost ceratainly get you what you want.

  • BAMZ11th June, 2003

    Hi Miot,

    Some courthouses are certainly easier than others. In my local area they keep all of the foreclosure files in a row from the past to the most recent files. I view them accordingly.

    I recently went a court house 1500 miles away from where I live and things were quite different. There they kept the foreclosure files mixed in with all other folders (new mortgages, releases, etc). I had to get on to their computer and search through numerous records and hand write down any records for the day/week, that were foreclosures. You then would take that foreclosure number or address up to the clerk and have them pull the file.

    Some areas of the U.S. might even do things differently than this, but I hope this explaination helps!

    Best of Success!


  • miot17th June, 2003

    hey guys,
    thanks for your input.

  • trudieb17th June, 2003

    at the courthouse in my county, they tell you the same thing, that you can't do a search unless you have the name/address. however, if you pay $15, they will give you a list filed within the dates you specify. which is silly, because it's public knowledge, right? why should we have to pay for it...

  • Julieann17th June, 2003

    My attorney said to ask to see the "Dailys" which is an index file of all the filings within the last few days. You can then see which were Notices of Default.

  • rbrodeur17th June, 2003

    I'm in Oakland County, MI. Here we have a newspaper called the Oakland County Legal News. This has a complete list with the owners name, mortgage company, city, and sometimes the property address.

    I've found other counties in Michigan that have the same thing. Maybe your state does the same thing.

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