Lis Pendens Searches

When searching for Lis Pendens at the courthouse, it has been suggested that one should only search back 45 days max to get the newest listings. It has also been suggested that someone should search back further to get older ones and begin mailing to those, hoping that your mailings will "stand out" in comparison to the possible initial rush of mailings when a Lis Pendens first appears.

What have people found that has worked? Here in NY, the foreclosure process can take up to 1 yr, where as I understand it in Deed of Trust states, the time is typically one to 3 months.


  • pejames27th February, 2004

    Basically, You have to find out what works for you in the area you are in. I only send out to the current months filings and I get a pretty good response from my letters in my area from the initial mailing. I havent done a secnd mailing yet. I also have 8 properties in various stages of trhe process. You have to find what works for you. I would read some more here and get into a local investment club and begin to network there. Good luck

  • ddhamilt27th February, 2004


    What about follow-up calling? Are you doing a first mailing, then a follow up call or just all mailings? Thanks.

  • pejames27th February, 2004

    I haven't made a call yet, but I might have to in the future. I have gone to houses, but I only did that 2 times. I have been very fortunate in my area. Like I said, different techniques work in different areas. I have associates who do all of the above and get ok responses. I have sent out around 50 letters per mailing and I get about 10 calls and I set 8 appointments and get Loan authorizations on all 8. I then start working on solutions for them and I wind up helping 3-5. So, I cant complain about my numbers. Hope this helps.

  • jonna_nixon27th February, 2004

    I went to the county clerk's office yesterday, unfortunately they were extremely busy and much less than helpful or nice. I was under the impression that the listings were supposed to be on the door. They weren't. I was then directed to another area were copies of the auction's were set out. This is all I found. All of the papers had been filed in February and the homes are to be auctioned off the first Tuesday of March. How do I find the listing that are still a couple of months away from being auctioned?

  • chris122027th February, 2004

    I finally recieved my package from my county courthouse. I got the Lis Pendens dated back one full calander year. I've never requested this information before, so I figured it's better to have too much than not enough. Well...I'm not so sure about that. The package is about 4 dictionaries thick!! I also requested a list of all the propereties in the county that are delinquent in taxes and are up for the next tax sale. It'll keep me busy for a while.
    I went to the courthouse in my neighboring county, and I had to right them all down by hand, but it was worth it. The ladies there were very helpful (contrary to my previous post). The next time I go into both courthouses I'll bring in coffee and donuts for them all and slide them some business cards. That way they'll remember me.

  • InActive_Account29th February, 2004


    A response 10 out of 50 is about a 20% response rate. That's not good. That's phenominal!!! You shouldn't be in REI you shoud be in advertising. Share with us how you're doing this .

  • demartin1st March, 2004

    Yep, those are good numbers. What does your flyer look like?

  • kellyntx1st March, 2004

    It's funny, I asked the lady at the county recorders office for a list of Lis Pendens and she said "what?". She had no clue what I was talking about.

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