Limit edit privileges


I inadvertently clicked on the "Edit" icon in another's posting. I got an edit screen. I assume that I could change anything I wish and resubmit the post. I even experimented with the Edit feature on one of my own posts.

My question: Shouldn't the "Edit" feature only be available to the individual submitting the post?

My concern here is that someone could edit my post and completely distort my message. Malicious sabotage does not seem to be a problem for this site yet, but you know what they say about an ounce of prevention.


  • joel7th September, 2002

    Aha! My friend, you evidently didn't click on the SAVE CHANGES button. If you would have, you would have received an Error Message.

    Thanks for noticing.

  • JohnLocke7th September, 2002


    You can have your pocket protector back.

    Kidding aside, you are doing a great job in developing this site for us, you are probably the only one on any board that has the concept of being a creative investor and capable web site guy from a technical standpoint. This combination is unbeatable.

    Thank you for being here.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • joel7th September, 2002

    But Dave is correct. I don't think that edit checkbox should be there either, but I think it might be there for a purpose for the moderators. I don't know if that is the logic behind that being there, but I think after I get some of the more important backend features done on this site I will probably comeback to this "bad code".

    Thanks again Dave for noticing the "bad code" ( I am glad I didn't build it ).

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