Lifestyles Unlimited: Is This Real?

Has anyone heard of Lifestyles Unlimited? It is supposed to be an RE mentoring organization in Houstion.

Any comments about your experiences either way with this group would be appreciated.

Thank you.



  • smithj211th July, 2007


  • smithj219th July, 2007


  • dnvrkid19th July, 2007

    This will probably come off as rude, but I am continually amazed at the number of posts I have seen lately from several different posters where they will continue to spam the board with the same topic over and over again almost like they are "entitled" to an answer or a response. It seems to me on the board if someone has an opinion they will chime in, if not move on and do your own research.

    Become a member so you can search the forums, many times responses are not given as people get tired of answering the same thing over and over again. Sometimes it is because no one has any feedback or info.

    It looks to be a group that concentrates on the Texas market only, so unless you are in that area, not sure what information you are looking for. You might try an Internet search on reviews, opinions, or the BBB on the subject you are inquiring about to see if there is any feedback there.

    Good Luck.[ Edited by dnvrkid on Date 07/19/2007 ]

  • splitaway4th April, 2007

    I cannot imagine there is a problem faxing out info to promote your property. In fact, if I have home to sell, either listed, or my own, and there is financing flexitility there, I will fax the flyer to the buyer agent firms who typically have credit challaged buyers. Or to hospitals and police departments when I am trying to find a tenant. I spot market homes all the time, via fax, email blasts/flyer, or stopping by to let people know what is available. Good luck

  • NC12312th August, 2007

    I agree about realtors. They are great for many things but they will always come up with the max value, where we need to be conservative. Also, they only use sales that are in the MLS and sometimes give you a cma based entirely on $/sqft.. You are on track to getting the best comps by using tax records since all RE transactions are shown there, MLS or otherwise.

    I have found that the tax assessor does a fair job of calculating the value ratios of homes in a neighborhood, so use that to your advantage. Make sure the homes are in the same neighborhood, recent sales, and similar, ie. sq ft, br/ba. Then look at the price houses are selling for relative to the assessors value, then use the assessors value of your home to estimate value.

  • JohnLocke25th June, 2007


    The basics.

    The Round Robin Auction is a buyer friendly auction that eliminates all the usual risks associated with buying at auction. On Saturday and Sunday, there will be an open house from noon to 4:00 PM to visually inspect the property and sign up to participate in the auction, and to place an initial bid.

    The actual auction is held by phone on Sunday evening. Starting at 7 pm each bidder will receive a call informing him or her of the current bid and offering them the opportunity to increase their bid in order to proceed to the next round.

    Rounds will continue until only one highest bidder remains. Buyers will need to be available (at home or by cell phone) Sunday evening to receive multiple phone calls.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • liznichols26th June, 2007

    Yes, John is correct.

    There are variations on the theme. If you determine, for example, that a lease option tenant would be the best exit strategy for you then you can set the price you are willing to accept and the bids are actually on the down payment they would be willing to pay. The best combination of credit history and down payment will be the winner.

    Experience elsewhere is that you can get at or near market value with this method all within a short timeframe.

    The key is in advertising ahead of time and in getting the most people in the doors as possible for the open house.

    Liz Nichols

  • charlotteinvestor20th August, 2007

    how did the round robin work for you?

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