Letters To Lawyers And CPA's ??

I have heard of investors trying to get leads through lawyers and CPA's either through clients getting a divorce, foreclosure, death in the family or any other reason.

My question is has anyone tried this and if so what kind of response have you gotten and what kind of problems have you run into?

Do you offer a certain dollar ($) amount or dinner for 2 at a nice resturant?

Does this really work?

Any feedback would be great!! 8-)


  • cheryllopez12th July, 2004


    I know of some agents and investors get leads from the newspaper in the "who died section".

    Prepare your postcard and mail out to the address. Odd way to get business ... but it does work. Out of town relatives look at this as "perfect timing" on selling the property.

    Cheryl Lopez

  • labellavita13th July, 2004

    I myself have wanted to do this and have started writing letters, but have not mailed any yet. It sounds like a great way to generate leads. I'd love to hear if anyone has been doing this also. And some of the key phrases they used in writing this letter.


  • RnS4th August, 2004

    Yes I as a Bird Dog have and still get leads from lawyers (divorce and bankrupcy) Haven't tried CPA. The biggest problem I've run into when contacting them via phone are the assisstents. They are so eager to tell you "he's not interested in that type of service". I have found more success with mailing the offer in. Most will not reply but some will and give some good leads. I simply explain how I can help their clients find buyers quickly and therefore enable them (lawyer) to better serve their clients. My question is what do you say or what is a good phrase for the letter to the recently deceased ads that was mentioned. I haven't thought of that one and I'm at a blank as to what I would say. thank you


  • mark136911th January, 2005


    As a bird-dog,
    How have you attracted Investors? Any ideas, resources/books for learning bird-dogging? (I am just beginning my REI career, and I believe Bird-dogging is a great way to start)

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