Letter To Expired Listings

Generally with direct mail you have to send 3 to 5 pieces to each address. Does anyone have experience with expired listings, i.e., would you send that many letters to those homeowners?



  • BrandonT4th December, 2006

    I think that expired listings are good direct mail candidates. But it will depend on what type on lead you are looking for. If you are looking for sub to or lease option leads, expired listings should do good.

  • NguyenandCo7th December, 2006

    wouldnt they also be good for discount on the home?

  • JohnCREI8th December, 2006

    I personally have the best responses from multiple mainings, but I tend not to use post cards.

    I go with a personal letter that doesnt look anything like Im an investor. I try to make it look like im just a regular guy looking to buy their house like...

    "Hi <seller name>

    I noticed that your house was for sale, but it seems that you have taken it off the market. My wife Erin and I were interested in contacting you to see if in fact you were still interested in selling.

    We would like to buy a house in your neighborhood and thought yours might be perfect...."

    I always get better responses that way. Keep in mind that you and every other Realtor and Investor in your area is working those lists. If you send a solicitation as a business... they will likely toss your card in the trash with the rest of them.

    However, if you look like a potential buyer that is not looking to take advantage of them... you may get a better response, and a better attitude when you talk to them.

    If you are using this type of letter... you may not have to send as many. If you go with post cards, then I would sent at a minimum of 3, and keep them looking similar so they know its you and perhaps get a little extra credibility for your persistance. =)

    Good luck.


    ADVERTISING REMOVED[ Edited by JohnLocke on Date 12/11/2006 ]

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