Let's Counter This With Tales Of Good Deeds

I concur completely with The Re-Habbinator. If there is something that you shrink from disclosing, it is a good signal to examine whether you are doing the right thing. It is a sad fact of life that those who you wonder how they sleep at night are not the type to have a conscience strong enough to affect their rest in the least.

I suppose that doing the right thing is its own reward and one shouldn't expect anything more but wouldn't it be satisfying if both good and bad seed more immediately returned their respective harvest to their sowers?

I am a newbie, but humbly suggest that those of you who have demonstrably helped folks out of a serious jam, take the time to write a few paragraphs to the reporter who wrote this article. The full story needs to be told should be told. We must fight and not allow a morally bankrupt individual to taint our profession.

Sorry for the soapbox but this kind of story makes me hurl.



  • JohnLocke30th December, 2003


    Glad to meet you.

    Unfortunately "Good Deeds" don't sell newspapers or increase the ratings of television or radio stations.

    Just know there are investors that do help people everyday and would just as soon stay the "Unsung Heros" of this great industry. This is factual so feel better about what is being done to help people that have a problem.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • pejames30th December, 2003

    Thanks for feeling that way, but, I have always been of the mindset...Actions speak louder than words! I'm not looking to get recognition from anyone, not even the people I help. For me, helping someone in need and knowing in my heat and mind that I did everything I could to help. That is the reward. I do sleep very well at night and will continue to do so, knowing I am doing the best I can for those I help. Happy Investing!

  • InActive_Account30th December, 2003

    I think most true professionals deal fairly and honestly with all parties concerned. Most of us do many things without recognition, without publicity , and without ulterior motive. We do things because it's the right thing to do.

    Many years ago, i'm told, the Reader's Digest was founded by an individual who got tired of reading nothing but gloom and doom in the newspapers.

    Hopefully, this site will be the "Reader's Digest" of the CREI world. Let it start with you.

  • WheelerDealer30th December, 2003

    The reporter that wrote which article??

    Did a portion of this tread get deleted??

  • JohnLocke30th December, 2003



    John $Cash$ Locke

  • JohnLocke30th December, 2003


    As well put as it could possibly be said, I concur completely.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • hanapa31st December, 2003

    Oops, I meant to submit a post, not a topic. Thanks for providing the link, John.

    I agree with you guys that public glory is not necessary when you know inside you are doing the right thing. I just wonder if these kinds of stories will taint the public perception of RE investment.

    When business collectively neglects to regulate itself, the heavy hand of government is not usually far behind and they tend to have shotgun rather than rifle "solutions".

    Of course, the jerk in the story is already breaking some existing laws and tiptoing on the line of others. If the law doesn't get him first, I suspect he'll eventually anger the wrong person (maybe a grandson) and justice will be meted out.

    Great site - I have learned so much from the contributions of the members here.



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