Lending Hub-Bub

I would really like to know how many investors are defaulting on their loans.

All my investments are making so much money that I would have to be an idiot to default on my mortgage.

That leads to another question. Why are lending institutions tightening down lending requirements on commercial loan, when it is the residential borrowers that are defaulting.

Commercial borrowers are not the ones that bought a house that was twice what I could afford.

Now the government is going to step in and freeze their rate, while everyone who waited has to pay a higher rate.

If lenders are that stupid, then they deserve to lose money.

Profit making properties are the way to go. The borrowers have more to lose when they default.


  • cjmazur29th December, 2007

    look back at the post on here and see how many people were looking for 90+ LTV and the hope of the market still performing as it had.

    Flex arms are a great example.

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