Lending Dilemas

Seems like when ever I go for a mortgage they are dragging out another set of rules which are totally different than the previous mortgage I got. I have purchaesed property in my own name , and I have purchased property in the name of an LLC. I found out that the terms and rate have been different for each of my transactions as I have purchased Residential SF homes , Condotels, Regular Conduminiums, Mobile Homes, and Commercial property as well. Every time the rules were different. You would think that after this many trnasactions I would know the anwser to this question ,but I dont . I do not know my parameters when it comes to lending and do not want to wait until I actually apply for a loan to be told what I can and cannot do. I want to know NOW ahead of time so I can formulate the deal and know if it will work for me or not. This is where I am having troubles. I have several pre construction condos in the City of Miami right now ,all secured with 20% down and all have been assigned to my LLCs for closing/ownership purposes. These contracts are all assignable. My plan is to close on these pre constructions ,rather than flip them to another buyer on a "resale" My logic is that this way I will get the full appreciated value after the full 2 years consturction time is over .....and I can avoid the very high commision rates ( 8% ) by being able to list them on the MLS after I am the legal owner . ( The developers will not allow the MLS to list then now ,,,,,,only the developer can sell them for us. (now) After we own then it is no longer up to them. I have a particular unit which I paid 479K for I have an offer to sell it to a (so called ) "end user" who really wants it , today , for 750K ( if I do this I will get 60K back from my 95K down payment now .........and then the balance of 255K from the sale ,,,,,2 years from now when the new buyers closes. I feel we could get 950K for it in 2007 however and am tempted to just wait it out since we would only be getting 60K now to reinvest (if we sold now ) I am figuring why not maximize the profits but holding onto this primo unit. ( we literally had first pick of the "litter" so to speak when the building was released and this unit is very desireable. I am thinking that the condo will appreciate more on its own than I would be able to earn by reinvesting 60K for 2 years. But my real question here is ......can we get an interest only loan
for $ 385K ( which is the balance on the original sales price of 479K ) for a property which will have sales comps in excess of well over 700K in the same building by then ,under the name of an LLC ? All I want to do is close on the place ,,,,,,,carry it for 3 or 4 months while I am selling it .and then sell it and pay off the mortgage and pocket the max profit . Can someone recommend who I could contact ,, in lending who can at least advise me as to what is doable and what is not doable for a person in my particular situation. I do not "work" and do not have any kind of income verification except my investments.
I have a credit score of something like 720 average and have plenty of assetts in the form of equity in properties that we own. I am not "fishing for a lender" here .....so please do not go there..I am simply trying to find out who in the world to speak to who can tell me ( after I give them all the details of my specific scenario ) " Yes , Dave .....you can do this or that " or "No Dave, you cant do that " Then I will know ,and also I will know how to proceed with these pre construction condos. Any information that anyone can render will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much for taking the time to read this rambling request.( I love these forums for this reason!! ) I guess to sum things up....Can an little LLC owned by 2 people.....with a credit score of 720........obtain an interest only investment loan ......... in the amount of 385K.............with out producing any "documents" or employment records...........on a property that will appraise at well over 750K when the time comes. ? Please advise . Thank you very much . Dave


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