Lender Response Time

I am curious to know what kind of response time some of you are getting from your lender for loan approvals. I realize underwriters get large stacks on their desk, but with so much being automated now I just feel the response time should be quicker than a week sometimes. I try to be "Johnny on the spot" with my clients and I try to surround myself with people who operate the same way. Mortgage Brokers do this all day every day and I just feel that once they have the numbers in front of them they should be able to tell me something within a couple hours, next day at the latest. When I see a property I want, I want to be able to pull the trigger without waiting for a lender to drag his feet or "wait to hear back". Is it just a matter of establishing a relationship showing them that I will keep the deals coming their way or the fact that my 60k deal is not as important as a 250k deal they may be working or both? Just curious for some feedback on the lenders some of you are working with.


  • tinman175526th May, 2004

    Turn around time is 24 to 48 hours. To me all deals are important, and they should be to everyone you work with.


  • LarryNut26th May, 2004

    Thanks Lori, I wish I could find one like you to work with. It gets very frustrating when 4,5,6 days go by and not so much as a courtesy call to say hey I'm on it.
    Thanks again

  • InActive_Account28th May, 2004


    Since I don't do loans anymore I don't know what the current turn times are but.

    When I was doing loans some of the lenders with the absolute lowest rates had the worst turn times. They would have a rate 1/8% lower but they could take a week just to call back.

    The broker that I worked for had a few lenders that we were not allowed to send purchase files to. Reason? It would take 90 to 120 days to close a loan with them. It was fine on a refi but sucked on a purchase.

    Just something to keep in mind.

    But you are right most brokers don't like 60K deals. You may want to start working direct with the lenders.

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