What's usury in YOUR state?

Check this Google site for pertinent info on what's illegal usury in any state...it's a real treasure trove of good & applicable info on those high interest deals...and might just save your bacon if you're inclined to DO a high interest loan as the Lender!



  • WheelerDealer9th January, 2004

    Soo, out of al those sites which one do you recomend?

    • JohnMerchant9th January, 2004 Reply

      Actually, I"m a little embarrassed about this "article" as the referenced Google site is such a hodge-podge of everything and I'm afraid it doesn't offer anybody much info without a heck of a lot of digging.

      If anybody seriously wanting to check on usury law in his/her state will use Google or another good search engine, and put in " WA usury statute", (or his own state), i'm sure he'd come up with more pertinent and relevant info.

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