Legal Deductions


Yes the wired phone is definantly used for business, I am looking into having an 800 number ring to it as well. I just dont want to set it up this way second line for business in my name , and have it be disallowed later.

My wireless account. I realize I need to separate my Biz phone from my personal wireless account. Nextel salesman tells me I can get an account setup and have two lines. Do I need to have it be the second for biz?

Post office box. Can I get this in my personal name and have that be address for my biz, or does this have to be in companies name to be legally separate from me personally? This is more of an separation issue for legal purposes question more so than a deduction. And can I deduct it?

God Bless,



  • DaveT31st October, 2003

    I assume that you are mainly asking about home office deductions.

    All legitimate home office expenses are deductible. This would include the telephone service dedicated to business use as well as the post office box rent that is solely for business use.

  • InActive_Account3rd November, 2003

    Metro - The first basic phone line into your residence is never deductible for business use. However, all additional lines and any special features you add to any lines would be deductible as a business expense if used for that purpose. Your cell phone line does not have to be in a business name but you will have to separate the business use portion from the personal use portion. The PO Box should have the names of all persons and businesses which will receive mail. This is deductible if you established the PO Box for business use rather than personal use.

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