Least Expensive 800 # Service

Does anyone know of a really good 1-800 # service that has the option for multiple extensions, caller ID, etc.? I want to be able to - (A) set up different pre-recorded scripts for the diff extensions and (B) track the leads by their extension # to see which marketing efforts are working and which ones are not.

I have only found one company which can handle this, but I know there are more out there, and I am curious to find out what a competitive price would be.



  • tytitan15th March, 2004

    I saw a posting at another forum about www.accessline.com. It looks pretty good.

  • AllCash4Homes15th March, 2004

    try www.gotvmail.com


  • ssandman15th March, 2004

    try arch telecom adtrakker.

  • jam20015th March, 2004

    try http://www.freedomvoice.com

  • BlueWater15th March, 2004

    Thanks for the replies. GotVMail and FreedomVoice seem like the best, I think we will go with one of those two.

  • tGiREi18th March, 2004

    Incase you were still looking for some opions: here's another one. The name of the company is Dial 800 and their telephone # is...you guessed it 800-dial800. they do EVERYTHING! you should check them out.


  • wstone18th April, 2004

    there is also www.ureach.com

  • Illusion29th April, 2004

    Try http://www.kall8.com being im a newbie i dont want to put a url but i use them for my hosting company and you can even get a 1888 like mines 888 -575- host or something like that. Works great

  • creativeinvforum18th May, 2004

    The least expensive 800 # service I know is DictoMail voicemail to text messaging service.. at 20 bucks... unlimited use.. I think that's cheap.. they have several plans. The service is very cool. It converts voicemail messages to text and then delivers them to your desktop email and/or your mobile device. I use it with my Palm PDA smartphone and Outlook Express. DictoMail saves me the time of having to log in to check messages because the message is right there, readable. Also.. if I'm in teleconferences, I can read messages as I'm speaking to customers so if an important message come in, I can drop the teleconf and get the emergency. I can also archive all my messages so at the end of the week, I can quickly scroll through all the text of all my messages. It's cool and cheap. They even have an interactive demo at http://dictomail.com/demo.html .

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