Is It Possible To Do A Lease Purchase If The Property Is Listed With A Real Estate Agency?
Once a Real Estate Agent has a listing, can you still ask for a Lease Purchase?
The listing was given to the Real Estate Agency by Fannie Mae. Does this pose a problem for a Lease Option through the Real Estate Agency?
We definately need to take action here in Texas on this Bill.
I just saw this on another board and was coming here to post it but someone beat me to it.
YES!!! We MUST take action to prevent this from passing!!
Here are a couple of links that might help
Here is a link to the bill
John (LV)
[ Edited by jfmlv1950 on Date 04/19/2005 ]
I am a mortgage broker and work almost exclusivly with investors. This has a lot of my investors changing plans or holding off on any long term deals. This bill can not be allowed to pass. It hurts not only investors and the people that do work for them but ultimatly its going to hurt the very people that it was supposed to protect. If you live outside of the state and have even considered buying property in Texas let them know that it will stop the outside investment. They need to know that it isnt just affecting Texas investors.
Call them, Write them, Email them and let them know you will not rest till it is defeated.
Please submit this as a news article instead of spamming our forum boards with this.