This might be a newbie question but what agreements do I sing with the seller and what ones do I sign with the buyer is it
(Seller) Lease agreement and option to purchase,,,, and thats all

(My buyer) the Lease( rental ) agreement and standard sales agreement,,,,, or am I missing something..

If I'm taking over someones loan subject to I only fill out the Quiet claim deed..
as you can see I'm confused because there are so many forms to go with different deals ....Thanks for your help ....MD surprised


  • boyd444422nd November, 2003

    on lease option you need, offer to purchase, option agreement, lease agreement. Mine are separate documents linked together by verbage.
    Hope that helps

  • mjdreal23rd November, 2003

    Thank you for your help justone thing Is that what I fill out with the seller or buyer. (boy do I sound like a newbie) no such thing as a dumb question right ....

  • Tedjr23rd November, 2003

    Get a warranty deed from the seller of the property if you are buying it. If you are selling or leasing or lease/purchase get your buyer/tenant to sign those forms.

    You would use a sales contract to buy the property which gives you time to inspect the property, title report etc before you close on the sale and give the seller any money. If seller is walking away with 0 dollars then you may as well skip the sales contract and just get a warranty deed. Still do title search before bring mortgage current or anything that costs money or selling to a third person. Contact me and I can help you get the correct forms to buy the property. I do not yet have lease/option forms.

    Hope this helps some

    Ted Jr

  • mjdreal23rd November, 2003

    Thank-you all for your help I was feeling kinda overwhelmd buy all the different contracts....Thanks ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MD

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