Lease/Options Clients
I am very interested in L/O and wholesaling and haven't done any as of yet. I want to go into it the right way. I have done my homework and understand what's involved in most cases. This site has tought me alot and thank you to all. I want to get a DBA for my business correct? Also how do I go about finding t/b's quickly? Does anyone use a certain type of software management to collect and hold a data base of clients for L/O or wholesaling? I am very ready to get rolling on these and any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
Hi I read your question and it says you need a D.ata Base Administrator? software
well the one thing you can use to keep good track of your clients or potential customers is a program I'm sure you are aware of and every computer should have it ; its called Microsoft Access or if you are good with computers you can customize your own data base by using Visual Basics.
\just wanted to share some info.