Lease Option Cold Calls

I would just like to thank everyone on this wonderful website for all of the information that is shared. I would have to say that without this information I would not have taken any steps toward the wonderful life of Real Estate Investing.
Now to my story:
I have been doing "Cold Calls" to all of the FSBO's in the local newspaper and I have not gotten a single lead on a Lease/Option deal. I have tried to season the numbers for a few months and I've tried the number right out of the newspaper. I can't seem to get any good leads. I have been doing this for about 6 months. I don't know where to turn. I'm very short of money and I "had" a plan to do at least 1 L/O deal a month. Can anyone help with a new, low cost (under $100.00), idea to generate leads or maybe a script to help with my "Cold Calls"? I am a very self motivated person and I understand that every "NO" is another step closer to a "YES". I would just like to know if there are any technics that can be shared or maybe an easier way.

Thank you in advance,


  • jaxfor25th January, 2005

    Try calling houses unfurnished for rent

  • msrealestate18th January, 2005

    I would also like to take this time to Thank all the wonderful people on this site for all the valuable information. I am a beginning investor and am now researching the lease option method. I ordered the Lease 2 Purchase Handbook by Jeff Beaubien and can't wait to get start, Thanks Jeff !!! I've been researching L/O on this site on average 3 hours per day for the last couple of weeks and feel very confident that I am ready to get start so tonight starts the process of writing down my goals and my plan of action. I know that if I come upon a road block with which forms to use how to negotiate or whatever I know the answers can be found here. Thanks So Very Much

    But, to answer the question at hand some inexpensive methods that I will be using is to look in my local Real Estate section under Houses For Rent, if you receive a weekly, local advertisement such as the Pennysaver in Westchester County NY or I think its called the Thrifty Nickel in the Carolinas most people advertise their because even though it is very inexpensive to advertise in most residents of a particular, count, city, etc receive it free at their doorstep also, I plan to contact owners of cosmetically distressed properties either by dropping a letter in their mailbox if the house is local or maybe going to your county's tax office getting the name of the owner, Call on ads that have moving sales/yard sales. They are probably either looking to list the house for sale with an agent or FSBO or looking to rent it and why not Lease option it, your local supermarket advertisement board, local laundry facilities, obitituaries. In alot of cases when somone dies they leave behind a house and perhaps relatives that live long distance and wouldn't mind leasing the house. The obituaries are listed in the local paper. If you don't have money for a paper go to your local library write down the ads you want to make calls on and then proceed to making calls.
    I hope this helps and I'll keep you guys updated on my success. :-D grin

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