Lead Provider In Missouri??


as we all know, there are a TON of lead providers on the internet and beyond... and many of them are NO GOOD.

Is there anyone in Missouri that is getting GOOD leads on pre-foreclosure properties or POTENTIAL pre-foreclosure props? IF so, where are you getting them from?

I know of services that provide good leads for other states, but none for missouri. I'm talking about people who are missing payments, have a NOD from the lender, or have a Appointment of Successor Trustee document recorded on them... but they DON'T have their foreclosure auction published yet by the trustee. Anyone out there getting lists of these in MO?

please email me from my profile...



  • hrtz4mejod27th February, 2004

    Hey Eddie,

    Have you tried http://www.realtytrac.com// (realtytrac) I have been using them and there good. I tried your area and it seems to do the job . Hope this helps
    Good Investing Shaun

  • InActive_Account27th February, 2004

    thanks for the advice realtytrac. i tried them a few months ago, and found some of their NOD data to be very OLD...

    thanks though!

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