Lawyer For Refinance??

Should I get a lawyer for refinancing my investment property? Is this necessary? Is it smart or is it just a waste of good money?

Thank you!


  • kenmax1st July, 2004

    it is not required. it all depends on your ability to understand the refi. it is smart and not a waste if you don't understand, if you have a attny. that you can trust {lol}. if you understand the process, which is very much like any loan you can refi yourself.......kenmax

  • kenmax1st July, 2004

    for me i have never used a attny. it was not necessary....kenmax

  • bgrossnickle1st July, 2004

    really a waste of money. refis are pretty straight forward. ask for a good faith estimate. look at the interest rate, the terms of the loan (30 year fixed, interest only, arm, prepayment penalty, etc) and closing costs. Get two or three to compare and go for it.


  • mattfish112nd July, 2004

    This is the way I was feeling, but I heard of an investor that doesn't do "anything" without his attorney present!

    Thanks for your input guys!


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