Saftey Issue

I would very much appreciate this boards advise, and comment's. This may be a little long, I apologize. We moved to Phoenix AZ. last year and signed a one year lease. A few days after xmas, came home to a break in thru the front door in the afternoon. The front entry door was a hollow door, nothing but 1/8 plywood. The police were shocked to see this as an entry door. They hurt both of my dogs, took most of my wife’s jewelry, TV’s, computers. I notified my landlord, of course he said “sorry but what can I do except change the door.” Three weeks later again they came this time thru the other entry door, this is a solid core door, BUT the hinges are on the outside. They didn't get the door all the way off, again in the afternoon, when we are at the office. We had enough, my wife would not leave the house, and said we are leaving, we are afraid for our safety. We move out, left it in excellent condition, even ran ads for the landlord. Bottom line he is now about to sue us for $10,000, for various costs. This was in an upscale area of Arcadia, expensive but older home. Ignorance of these entry doors is not an excuse for renting a unsafe home. The codes state all entry doors have to be of solid core, or steel, etc. I do not have the money to counter sue him; we accepted the loss and moved on till now, with this new problem. Again, sorry for such a long post. What to you think of this matter?


  • myfrogger13th December, 2003

    Your landlord failed to offer safe living conditions and in essense your landlord was the one who broke the lease. Any reasonable judge would agree. It is often hard anyway for someone to sue you for the rest of the rent in the lease but this will be especially hard.

    Did you have renters insurance to cover your items? You have a decent claim in my layman opinion for a counter-suit. Not having the funds though is a problem.

    I don't think you should have any problems other than having a day wasted from work or such and the hassle.

  • Tedjr13th December, 2003

    Sorry to hear of your loss. I too know how it feels to be violated. I am sure he is upset too. He has lost a tenant and rent and had damage to his door.He should have used a solid core door to start with. Most doors have hinges on the inside, that is kind of wierd too. Older homes have odd doors etc. Was there a dead bolt and interior dead bolt (keyless). I am sure he will not hire a lawyer and go to District Court. He may sue in small claims court without a lawyer for $5000 or less. He does not want the case in front of Judge Judy. She would chew him a new a%&$%#$%. He will have to prove damages that you caused him and I am sure you will be able to counter sue him for damages too. He probably could be held partially liable because of the hollow door, but he did not do the b &e. I hope you can work it out or he just goes away.


    Hope this helps some

    Ted Jr

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