Land Trust Cost?

What does it cost to Start a land trust? should one be started for each property? I am planning on doing some Subject-to's and re-habs. Any help will be appreciated. rasberry


  • JohnMerchant16th September, 2003

    Anybody can draft a trust doc, and as it's totally private and NOT recorded, it's whatever you want to make it.

    A layman's only cost would be his education to learn what they're all about, and how to use them, and the purchase of a course or two, and some books on Trusts, but after that, you'd just do your own as & when you wanted.

    A Trust's basic value to most of us as RE owners is anonymity...that is, once a property is owned by the trust, your name is NOT visible, so any lawyer doing a title search for RE owned by you is NOT going to be finding it.

    And my involvement with any RE I own is explained as "I"m a friend or manager for the Trust that owns it".

    I have a wealthy friend, who, I'm sure, inherited quite a lot of money and has managed & lived on it for years...but clever fellow that he is, he's never talked about it, never explained it, and always just said "I'm managing a trust for a deceased partner's trust" .

  • nwflbeachbum16th September, 2003

    Thanks John, Good info, Do you know of any "Trust Kits" For a do-it yourself Trust writer? Joey

  • DaveREI16th September, 2003

    trust info on this site

    every book store and guru site

    pick the one you like

  • 64Ford16th September, 2003

    It will cost a few dollars to have the deed recorded in the name of the Land Trust.

    I am curious, JohnMerchant, who do you put as Trustee on Land Trusts? Youself? LLC? Corp?

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