Land Trust Attorney - California

Does anyone know of a good real estate attorney knowledgable of land trust in Northern California (SF Bay Area)? Also, where can I get Land Trust forms?..

Thanks all for your help.


  • mbrouard25th March, 2004

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  • Lufos25th March, 2004

    My suggestion is merely take the standard Deed of Trust, look at it carefully and you will notice that all the requirements of a Land Trust are there present on its face. Trustee,(luck Pierre in the middle) Beneficiary, (the person for which the trust is created) and of course the Trustor (sometimes known as the Stuckee) for whom a performance is required in the trust.

    For further amusement you might turn this little darb over and check the back. Talk about an invitation to a lawsuit, thats us the friendly folk of California.

    The back of the instrument has all the goodies in it as to how to reconvay and also how to modify and substitute etc. etc.

    Its all there a little study and you should be capable of producing a satisfactory instrument for your purpose. Try not to fall asleep.

    Cheers Lucius

  • ccoons26th March, 2004

    I have prepared many land trusts for my California clients. One thing to remember if you intend to do this yourself is California does not have a land trust statute thus, you will fall under common trust law. There are several tweaks you should make in the trust to avoid sags on recording or with lenders.


    Clint Coons, Esq.

  • niravmd29th March, 2004

    how much do you charge for creating a land trust agreement?
    could you provide some contact info.

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