504 Reg D
Ive been hearing a lot about different Regulation D type financing. Has anyone here ever used this type of financing? Ups? Downs? Advatage? Disadvantage? Ive been contacted by an individual that claims that he can get me this financing for $15,000. (Up to $5mm) Is it to good to be true??
I appreciate your time.
Regulation D is not a financing method per se. It is a registration with the SEC necessary before you can sell stock to the public.
Last I checked they cost about $100,000 and you still had to find the investors to buy the stock when you were done.
Anybody claiming that they can do this for $15,000 is probably a con man.
Thanks Commercialking...
Ive been hearing a lot of the same lately.
I guess if it sounds to good..it isnt.
Sell it to her for at least 40K below the market.