Las Vegas & Discussion Boards.

A few years back I was involved in the Casino industry and here is how it happened. Las Vegas was formed on the hustle and con, so the casino owners have to worry more about the patrons cheating and hustling, than anything else, because the percentages of what they win are on the casino owners side without resorting to cheating anyone.

I was selling advertising for a major paper in Las Vegas and was assigned some casinos to call one for advertising.

I called on one of the assigned casinos and was led into the casino owners office, I gave my presentation as to why he should advertise. When I was done he looked at me and said "I want you for my Public Relations Director when can you start?" I said "anytime". I went back to the newspapers office, found one of the old timers and asked "What is a Public Relations Director?"

Well anyway I took the job, then after being there awhile the owner said he wanted me to learn all the operations in the casino. On of my learning jobs was to watch for the hustle and con, some of this was done in a small catwalk watching through a two way mirror in the ceiling, which they called the "eye in the sky" now a days cameras have replaced the eye.

Anyway there is not much difference in a discussion board and a casino as far as who hangs out there. Many times I have talked to Joel after watching a poster in just a few posts and telling him we should watch out for this person, they are going to be trouble.

Then sure enough I would get the Private Message "Mr. Locke so and so charged me $5K to mentor me, now they have stopped responding to my e-mails what should I do?"

I would inform them to send Joel an email and state the problem, then I would see the offender in the TCI Jail. I am not saying I am 100% accurate but pretty close.

I am fortunate that my materials are the best seller on several sites including TCI, however let me state that if anyone thinks they can make serious money in selling materials on boards they are seriously mistaken.

Here is how you make money in the business.

1. Being on an infomercial.

2. Doing deals.

Or becoming a board hustler, I figure that if I did not have materials for sale I could make $30K - $50K a month board hustling members on boards, without ever having someone say I cheated them. However, I don't operate this way and don't want to, when I feel that I am not helping people who put their trust in me is the day I just stick to fishing, a hell of alot less stress.

One more point I know this is rather long, at the convention Joel caught a person who was stealing course writers materials the first day. Joel told me about this and I replied "call hotel security and have this guy removed from the premises and not to come back." This was not done.

Long story short this guy was caught stealing again, Joel's reply to me "I should have listened to what you said." Like I said I am not always right, but I try to tell it like it is from the information I receive.



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