Landlords, LOOK OUT!

Two or three local, Seattle area lawsuits recently have renewed my concern that too many landlords are not being cautious enough covering their **ets.

These lawsuits were brought by & for tenants who were assaulted, raped, and in one incident, criminals who broke in, or evaded poor security setup and just walked in behind elderly tenant.

One of these was in top-notch, very expensive Seattle Apt house, where there had been 24 Hr. security when the poor woman moved in; but, without any notice to its tenants, the LL had gradually dropped the watchmen, and even allowed its securiity cameras to be stolen.

Then, the criminal, noting that there was no security, just waited for his chance and followed the poor woman into her apt and did his evil work.

In the other, a back sliding door was jimmied open and the female T was assaulted.

In BOTH, the owner/management co. paid large settlement without going to trial.

Morale? Stay insured, and don't own in your own name, as one or two of these multimillion $$$$ settlements could damage your bottom line wink


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