Land Trust Forum

Hey Joel, How about it? Seems to be a topic of major interest.



  • InActive_Account8th June, 2006

    Great idea.

  • InActive_Account10th June, 2006

    Any word on a land trust forum yet?

  • Colinl2210th June, 2006

    I posted a topic on this yesterday and da wiz (not a lawyer) and another REI helped me out with land trust info.

    Thank you

  • InActive_Account23rd June, 2006

    just another argument for having sticky posts at the top of each forum

  • charlotteinvestor30th June, 2006

    Is land trust covered in the subject to forum? Do they go together hand and hand?

  • InActive_Account2nd July, 2006

    How hard can it be to create a land trust forum?

  • cwal3rd July, 2006

    there has to be someone that really knows their beans...mmmm i wonder who that could be ???

  • jfmlv19503rd July, 2006


    A Land Trust Forum might be good to be added to the site, even adding Gary as the Senior Moderator of that forum.

    Of course posts concerning Land Trusts would be restricted to that forum alone.

    This will bring a new and obviously spirited discussion to the board.

    John (LV)

  • LeaseOptionKing3rd July, 2006

    If a Land Trust Forum stops the thread-hijacking, by all means, go for it.

  • InActive_Account3rd July, 2006

    All this back and forth stuff could of been prevented if we had a land trust forum.

  • mtnwizard3rd July, 2006

    Sounds good to me. It will eliminate the quacks and wannabees. And, the land trust is all you need to accomplish the objectives of a land contract, wrap, lease option, sub 2, etc. safely, privately, and legally.

    Da Wiz

  • charlotteinvestor3rd July, 2006

    Can someone put Bobo into a landtrust?

  • mtnwizard3rd July, 2006

    A final reply to Bobo before we place him in trust (at no cost to him). The 3500+ NARS Professional members pay a lifetime membership fee of $6995, which entitles them to a myriad of benefits including the use of the copyrighted Trust documents, or to have NARS prepare the docs at a substantial discount each time. These are independent business people, realtors, lenders, etc., not working for NARS. There are also many people who have attended seminars and purchased the system for something like $599. You get what you pay for and these high-level professionals and executives know the value of a system that is safe, legal (meaning not in violation of mtg contracts) and private -- none of which apply to a "sub 2".

    Da Wiz

  • BoboTheKing3rd July, 2006

    Sorry, I cost too much....equity, ya know.

    On 2006-07-03 16:04, charlotteinvestor wrote:
    Can someone put Bobo into a landtrust?

  • BoboTheKing3rd July, 2006

    So, you are pushing a specific trust method that only one company, and its members...have access to...or people that pay NARS to go to a seminar. That is all well and good, but one company should not have its own forum on any website. and that is pretty much what this will turn into...a NARS forum.

    On 2006-07-03 16:13, mtnwizard wrote:
    A final reply to Bobo before we place him in trust (at no cost to him). The 3500+ NARS Professional members pay a lifetime membership fee of $6995, which entitles them to a myriad of benefits including the use of the copyrighted Trust documents, or to have NARS prepare the docs at a substantial discount each time. These are independent business people, realtors, lenders, etc., not working for NARS. There are also many people who have attended seminars and purchased the system for something like $599. You get what you pay for and these high-level professionals and executives know the value of a system that is safe, legal (meaning not in violation of mtg contracts) and private -- none of which apply to a "sub 2".

    Da Wiz

  • mtnwizard3rd July, 2006

    Boy you guys appear desperate. Guess we struck a chord, especially since this forum is about land trusts and the lease option and sub 2 boys are here again crying. YOU ARE HIJACKING THIS THREAD WITH YOUR DRIVEL.

    Da Wiz

  • LeaseOptionKing3rd July, 2006

    We are discussing whether or not TCI needs a new Forum. You apparently have a fundamental misunderstanding of a few terms--namely, thread hijacking and board hustling. Carry on.

  • charlotteinvestor4th July, 2006

    I guess i need to build my slang terminology as well. "Board Hustling" That sounds pretty cool. Who made up that term. I would incoporate that into my index of words, i just hope it is not copy righted.

  • charlotteinvestor4th July, 2006

    Good point, stock pro.

  • charlotteinvestor4th July, 2006


  • mtnwizard4th July, 2006

    When you deal in land trusts, you are not classified as a dealer as you are not dealing in real property, but in personal property.

    Da Wiz
    a non-lawyer

    P.S. - Joel, what about a forum for land trusts? There clearly is enough interest and maybe we can keep these lease option and sub 2 afficionados from hijacking our thread.
    "All truth passes through three stages.
    First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."

    [ Edited by mtnwizard on Date 07/04/2006 ]

    [ Edited by mtnwizard on Date 07/04/2006 ]

  • InActive_Account5th July, 2006

    ok, how about we start a new forum already before this thread hits 1000 pages

  • mtnwizard5th July, 2006

    I agree. The Land Trust forum is necessary because using a land trust is very different from any of the other investment methods and requires a whole other set of documents, etc. Although you can achieve the goals of a lease option, sub 2, wrap, land contract, etc., and do it in a safer manner, we use documents and terms foreign to others. I would be happy to serve as a co-moderator with Darryle and Derrick, or any other member who is knowledgeable about land trusts.

    Da Wiz

  • InActive_Account5th July, 2006

    You are absolutely right.

  • InActive_Account5th July, 2006


  • joel24th July, 2006

    Thanks fins,

    The major differences between and other websites is that ours is focused on finding properties, not classified ads, and because of that the searches can be more powerful and direct.

    If CraigsList supports your city, your property listing should be in there within 24 hours of listing with us.

    We hope to have Google and CraigsList export working by the end of this week.
    [ Edited by joel on Date 07/24/2006 ]

  • JohnLocke22nd July, 2006

    Contained in this post is your explaination.

    Also you just violated one of the forum rules by posting in all caps, which tells me you have no regard for other posters or adhering to the right way to do things. Remember you are a guest on this site and the least you can do adhere to the rules.

    I would have sent this in a private message, however you are not able to receive them.

    John $Cash$ Locke
    TCI Moderator

  • NewKidInTown323rd July, 2006 one has all the answers to everything but we can all respect and learn from one another with an open pipeline to ideas...cwal,

    I am definitely open to learning from others, However, when that learning appears to be offered with a price tag, I take issue with the poster regardless of the value of the information offered

    I have asked that many posts be deleted. For example,Posts with advertising -- "My business does this all the time, I will be happy to help you"
    I have the following property/book/course for sale, if anyone is interested send me an email
    Posts with personal contact information that appear to be soliciting business -- Call me,
    See my profile for my phone number, or,
    You can reach me at my websitePosts that are duplicated within or even between forums have also been targets in the past. I am not a moderator, but I have reported these posts to moderators for deletion. If your posts fell into any of the above categories, then I could be your culprit.

  • JohnLocke23rd July, 2006


    I have been a Moderator and contributing poster on this site for over four years. I have seen the board hustleres come and go and have called them up for it when I saw it happening.

    Since you have been here for a few years you will remember Lufos, he was a poster who made many posts and had a following. Then I saw the scam coming and pulled him up for it. After I did I received messages from 3 posters who invested in his scam asking me for help.

    They sent him money and received nothing for it, bottom line after much back and forth emails the posters where refunded their money.

    Then to many times to count I would receive emails from posters who said I sent $3K - $5K to someone on this site who offered to mentor me. After a few phone calls they have not called me back will you help me?

    There were I am sure many posters who said nothing because they were embarrased by what happended to them.

    So what you perceive as being insensitive, I look at as another board hustler looking to scam a poster here. When a phone number, email me, company name in the signature, etc., is posted you can be sure someone is looking to pull a walletectomy from some unkowing poster.

    Bottom line you have not seen what I have seen, so you have no way of judging what goes on behind the scenes. We have lost top professional posters off this site because of the smart mouth posters who contribute nothing, yet have something to say about how the Moderators do their job when they are trying to protect others and enforcing the forum rules.

    You need to re evaluate what your purpose is here and quit violating the rules and then trying to say it was to get my attention, you already have my attention.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • cwal23rd July, 2006

    john...tell me why you deleted my posts... all i did was ask why another members post was deleted...that did not violate any rules I know of....or do we make them up as we go were wrong and you know it...why not admit it instead of using diversionary tactics (ala..large caps on the post heading get your attention) as your excuse for doing what you did...that has nothing to do with deleting my posts that were legitimate questions...what do we have going here...a theocracy or a democracy...a simple apology & more civility will suffice...regards, CWal

  • JohnLocke23rd July, 2006


    I believe you said I was wrong, is the owner of the site wrong also? It is the difference between knowing what you are talking about and guessing thinking you are smart enough to challange a Moderator for doing their job.

    A simple apology for being wrong will do.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • comparacus23rd July, 2006

    Yep. I only made about 2 posts on these boards. Both got deleted before I was even able to come back on and read the feedback people gave regarding my question. Reason: caps lock
    Only on the title.
    Silly board.

  • cwal23rd July, 2006

    john...still no apology...It takes 2 to be argumentative...lets just be takes 2 to do that too...I love you john...I even have your sub 2 course and your phone number...your best friend...CWal

  • JohnLocke23rd July, 2006


    You are not going to get out of it that easy, next time I am up your way you are buying lunch.


  • JohnLocke24th July, 2006


    Your posts are always excellent in content and very helpful to the posters on this site.

    You are an asset to this board and if you would take me up on my offer to become a Moderator as I have recommened you before your judgement would be much appreciated in helping out.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • LeaseOptionKing24th July, 2006

    You get my vote!

  • bargain7624th July, 2006

    Newkid is a great source of info!

  • cwal25th July, 2006

    new kid has my vote...CWal

  • finniganps25th July, 2006

    While I am a big proponent of saving money on 411, this is not the website for things like this and probably violates the forum rules.

  • finniganps25th July, 2006

    While I am a big proponent of saving money on 411, this is not the website for things like this and probably violates the forum rules.

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