Land In NJ

Yes, you all know land is scarce in NJ. Surprisingly, though, there is still some left in Warren, Sussex and Ocean county. I am a newbie and trying to get my foot through the door. Any suggestions, comments you can email me **Please See My Profile**.



  • acjrII26th December, 2003

    hey im in the same boat south jersey plenty of land to be found the problem is getting your foot in the door. Iv been trying to for over 1 yr cant get together. If you figure it out pleas give me a tip or two.

  • TheShortSalePro26th December, 2003

    Farm, Farm, Farm for leads. It's that simple. It's that hard.[ Edited by TheShortSalePro on Date 12/26/2003 ]

  • acjrII27th December, 2003

    Farm for leads? got any tips that have shown sucess in the past

  • TheShortSalePro27th December, 2003

    Farming for leads and developing your market is the essence of most, if not all, sales jobs. Real estate is no different.

  • landauction27th December, 2003

    Here's the clincher--land options...

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