L/O Question About Rent Credits?

Hi, if I find a property that I want to L/O as my primary residence, how much of a rent credit should I ask for? HELP!!!!


  • JohnCl31st March, 2004

    As much as you can get.... Why not ask for half. All they can do is say "no" and come back with a figure.

    [ Edited by JohnCl on Date 03/31/2004 ]

  • commercialking31st March, 2004

    Heck, ask for all of it take what you can get.

    At the other end of the spectrum, ask for the reduction in principle which they recieve.

    This is really a simple question, negotiate a rate of return for their money, run a mortage payment calcuation on that rate of return (and a long amortization schedule) and ask for a credit against the purchase price for anything above that (including the principle reduction on the payment)


  • BRI31st March, 2004

    Thanks for the great feedback!!!! BRI :~)

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