Kudos To CommercialKing

I just wanted to let everyone know what a nice guy Mark Reynolds (commercialKing) is and to encourage you newbies to not be afraid to contact and talk to seasoned investors.

I learned years ago, that any business is about networking, and learning to meet other people.

I've been in Chicago on business for the past week, and a couple of weeks ago I had PM'd Mark asking him if I could treat him to dinner and sit at his feet to learn anything he could teach me about REI. Boy was I suprised. I was more than willing to take him to any restaurant in the city. But noooo. That wasn't good enough for Mark grin

Mark took me to the local supermarket, we bought some turkey sandwiches from the deli, and then Mark took me on his sailboat out to watch the fireworks.

We talked real estate for several hours (and I learned a whole lot about sailing too). What a deal. A newbie at the feet of seasoned RE investor, and for the price of a couple of deli sandwiches for Dominicks.

If you are in Chicago in the summer (or Florida in the winter), drop him a PM and experience a real treat.

If you are in the neighborhood of other investors you admire or would like to get know, get a hold of them and offer to buy them lunch (or dinner at Morton's). Learn all that you can from them. There may even be a deal that Mark and I do together in CA.

Thanks Mark. You're awesome.


"Experience is the things in life we never wanted to learn."[ Edited by robertt on Date 06/19/2004 ]


  • MicahM18th June, 2004

    That must have been a great time. commercialking must be getting tons of PMs! I'd shoot for the same deal if I were in Chicago.

    Maybe I could show him around Alaska... LOL

  • InActive_Account18th June, 2004

    Everyone's up for a fishing trip to Alaska in June and July, right.... Offer them a place to stay grin


  • commercialking18th June, 2004

    Thanks, Robert, but for the record, the name is Mark Reynolds, not Williams.

    We did have a great time, didn't we. And the fireworks were pretty spectacular. Any Wed. or Sat. from Memorial day to Labor day for the fireworks. Anytime for lunch and the real estate conversation.

    And, $Cash$ its an ad for sailing crew, not real estate deals.[ Edited by commercialking on Date 06/18/2004 ]

  • InActive_Account19th June, 2004


    My sincerest apologies on the last name! I realized when I got up this morning that I had posted the wrong last name (we have a DJ in Sacramento by the name of Mark Williams and I had a brain fart)..

    Anyway, thank you again.


  • JohnLocke19th June, 2004


    Now you wouldn't want to be pulling a fast one on the ole cashman when someone asks the name of your vessel and you reply:

    "I Buy Commercial Properties"
    Call Mark at 555-1212

    Naw, you wouldn't do that. LOL

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • active_re_investor19th June, 2004

    To extend the point a bit...

    I do find it interesting how little time people spend talking with more experienced folks. Not just in REI. Just in general. If networking is what it is all about in many fields, the price of a meal seems to be a minor costs for some dedicated one-on-one time.

    I have used the model a number of times with folks I wanted to speak with. It is almost standard practice when a sales person in the technology sector wants to learn more about a customer. I think I have been on the receiving side of more technology discussions then the buying side as I was normally with the customer vs. the vendor.

    As to REI it seems completely foreign based on the hundreds of folks I meet at investor meetings. Technology sales involves a lot of folks to get to a signature so many means. REI seems to be about individuals doing individual deals so much less formal social networking.

    IMHO and all that.


  • InActive_Account21st June, 2004


    Next time I treat to Morton's. I owe you that.


  • InActive_Account21st June, 2004


    I just wanted to add a note to what you said.

    Years ago I worked with some people who wanted to talk to another very busy person. The only time they could find to talk, was on airline flights. So my associates would find out when the person they wanted to meet with was flying and book a seat next to them on the flight (with the other person's approval of course).

    I've never done this myself, but I've often thought that this was an ingenious way to spend time with someone you wanted to interview or learn from.


  • JohnLocke21st June, 2004


    I guess through the years I have been fortunate as I have met just about anyone I wanted to meet except Howard Hughes, however I did set and talk with his right hand man.

    Living in Las Vegas for many years I found that just about anyone who is anybody with name recognition shows up sooner or later.

    I remember a gentleman by the name of Ralph Pearl who hosted our weekly celeberty interview show on a television station I co owned. Ralph was probably the un official mayor of Las Vegas.

    I would come into my office on the days he was scheduled for production, there on any given day would be celeberties he would be interviewing like Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Buddy Hackett, Jerry Lewis, Bill Cosby, well just about anyone who played Las Vegas.

    I would set an talk with them about various things but I liked to know how they captured their audiences or worked the audience.

    I figured this came into play later on when talking with motivated sellers or how to capture that sellers attention to deal with me. It is a routine that someone can become proficient at when closing the deal with a seller it really doesn't vary. I think they refer to it as working the audience.

    On the other hand being involved in the casino industry, I would meet some of the top attorneys in the country, or someone famous in politics or an industrial giant.

    You are correct when you ask the right questions you do learn what you might never read in a book or novel anywhere, when you can sit an talk with some highly respected people.

    Now I know for a fact that Lucius learned to fly from Wilbur and Orville, so he knows the benefits of talking with the movers and shakers of that industry.

    As far as Mark is concerned, I wonder if Noah had anything to do with building his sailing boat?

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • clegg21st June, 2004

    Its funny you posted this now. I was considering the last week or so to PM him and wasn't sure whether I should. I have PM'ed and talked with some of the other veterans here but I am home (40 miles from Chicago) for the summer, and I notice him post a lot and he is knowledgeable, but I'm a college freshman and this is just an ambition at this point. I have no direct questions as such. However, maybe a general PM would be a good idea, even though I am sure he is flooded with them now.
    Meanwhile, good luck to you Robert!


  • InActive_Account22nd June, 2004

    I have no direct questions as such. However, maybe a general PM would be a good idea, even though I am sure he is flooded with them now


    I have found it is not always the questions you ask. Sometimes, it's just listening. Mark would love to take people sailing, as it is hard for him to sail by himself. I think we all ought to show up in Chicago the same day and have a big party on his boat.


  • clegg22nd June, 2004

    Sounds like a plan to me. As I said earlier, I'm some 40 miles away...if Mark has the time, maybe I will drop by some time!
    Sailed in a plastic little tub during middle school in a trip to Malaysia...my only sailing experience. Should be fun wink [ Edited by clegg on Date 06/22/2004 ]

  • InActive_Account22nd June, 2004


    Is there a train from Champaigne into the city these days? At Mark's suggestion, I took the train from Naperville rather than driving in.


  • clegg22nd June, 2004

    Champaign is where i go to college, some 150 miles from Chicago. I am currently near Gurnee. There is a train from Libertyville, which is pretty close and thats the train I take if I ever go to the city by myself. I dont like to drive in the city.
    I got some college buddies in Naperville!


    p.s. I sent a PM to Mark, hopefully he will have the time to reply some time soon. You got me moving, so thanks. Its hard to judge how people react to PM's, I've had a couple of them ignored and I usually prefer to discuss stuff in PM's[ Edited by clegg on Date 06/22/2004 ]

  • InActive_Account22nd June, 2004

    I was in your neck of the woods over the weekend. I visited some friends in Barington and Wauconda and took IL53 out to the airport on my way home.

    College buddies in Naperville eh. Do they go to Champaigne or North Central? I suspect I'll be in Chicago again in a couple of months. Maybe we should all get together.


  • clegg22nd June, 2004

    Ah, been to Barington a couple of times.
    My friends go to Champaign as well. I assume you come here for business? Either way, sounds like a good idea.

    Clegg[ Edited by clegg on Date 06/22/2004 ]

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