Know Where I Can Find Free Short Sale E-books?

Does anyone know where I can find free short sale e-books? Or any good web sites about short sales?
Thanks in advance.

- Prosperous1 -


  • ryand10th February, 2005

    This website is better than any e-book you will find. dont waste your time searching for ebooks when you could be using that time to read and ask questions on this site. Search the articles. go through all the forums.

  • ZinOrganization12th February, 2005

    Short Sale Pro sells an E-Book in the products section of this website. also Egay is a good place to find deals on short sale courses.

    oh sorry i didnt see the "free" in your post. nothing in this world comes free. this site is the best thing you will get for free. and actually because of all the expert advise on here it shouldnt be free.[ Edited by ZinOrganization on Date 02/12/2005 ]

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