Knocking Doors Help

I know this topic has been often discussed and its always a favorite subject on here but i wanted to hear some insights from the pros. Or people who know about this.

We work with mostly defaults NOD stuff thats about to go to trustee sales. And we havent sent anything out just went and knocked on doors, and alot of times the person is not home or its all gated up and well leave a note or something and no responce. Now we are thinking of mailing some things out.

Whats the best thing to do to get more people to talk or call back,
Do the signs that people stick in the ground or on poles work?

Any ideas are appreciated.



  • scarywoody12th July, 2004

    Good Question. I am also wondering what is the best way to approach people. I was thinking about making a flyer and just dropping it in there mailbox. Problem is I bet a lot of people in Foreclosure or not paying their bills might not be checking their mail. Phone calls risk being labeled as a telemarketer before they know what you are doing. Showing up is an option that I've been debating, but i'll probably try all 3 and see which one works best.

  • wannabe2112th July, 2004


    It is a federal offense to put something in someone else's mailbox (at least without proper postage). Leave it somewhere else on the property.

  • knsv12th July, 2004

    You cant put anything in their mailbox?

    You see people doing that all the time

  • myfrogger12th July, 2004

    Try a doorhanger. This guarantees they will at least see it when they get home.

  • knsv12th July, 2004

    I wanted to know when you go out and knock doors are most people just kinda scared or dont want to talk and tell you stuff like its been taken care of.?

  • wannabe2112th July, 2004


    Yes, folks will tell you they've already got it taken care, why not cut them off at the pass. Say something like, "Hi Mr. Owner, my name is knsv, and I'm in real estate. Like most folks I meet in foreclosure I'm sure you already have the problem taken care of. The reason I'm here is to make your aquaintance, give you my card, and let you know that I'm a foreclosure expert, and if the plans you have suddenly fall apart at the last minute, don't feel like you're out of luck because you can call me and I can stop a foreclosure in less than 24 hours."

    Don't use that as a script, but get the idea down that you need to take the owner's objections away from them. If you pique their curiosity by being able to stop foreclosure fast, you need to ask if they'll invite you in and in just a few minutes you can explain how it works. Whatever hook you use, you need to be able to deliver (in my example, I'd better be able to explain how to stop foreclosure in under 24 hours).

    You're not asking them to reply or make a decision. You're not putting them on the spot where they HAVE to answer anything. You're not even asking them if you can help them. You might not even ask them who they in, "Are you Mr. Owner?" Don't give him any opportunity to even deny his identity. If you get the guy's son or someone else, they'll tell you and go get the owner.

    When the trustee notices come out (in states that do that) it's a great time to doorknock because time is getting short.

    Does that help?

  • bsauns12th July, 2004

    I've knocked on a lot of doors recently & have either got no reply at all when I knock, to I dont live here but the owner will be back tommorow, to I dont know anything about it. I agree with the last response, but also be prepared to get yelled at as well. I've had my butt chewed out knocking on doors for attempting to help people in foreclosure. It's not as easy as a lot of books or seminars state it is, to contact troubled owners. Even though you didn't put these people in their financial status, it's still a very trying times for them. I'm still working on way's to get the best response from people. From knocking on doors, to dropping off letters, bulk mail post cards & even phone calls. I guess the only thing we can keep telling ourselves is to stay persistant. If anyone has any other advise to share, that would greatly appreciated.

  • Lufos12th July, 2004

    psauns from North Hollywood.

    You say it well you just have to keep on doing everything you can think of. Sometimes the indirect approach and other times bam right in the face. You have to become a very good judge of character. You will meet them all. The deserted wife, lover and the woman who gave everything until she just ran out and then he left. Also vice versa. The small slight bookeeper husband who just sat in a chair looking at the wall. The love of his life had exhausted his savings, made him lose his job, get rid of his dog and devote himself to her until she left. I saw a picture of her. I have seen better looking starving goats in my time wandering around the Jordanian desert.

    Now he became my partner. I fixed up the place recaptured my costs and split the profit. For the first few months he still stayed in the chair and I put a different picture on the wall toward which he stared. The last one was X rated. It had been a small build up to that point.

    On sale I moved him into a swinging apartment house in Hollywood. I think he is the only male, well at least the only straight one so he is busy. He has lit up like a Christmas tree. Shiny shoes, new glasses etc.

    I have sent almost every kind of letter you can think of. I have used a duplication of the envelope and stuffer that the NOD came in. I have sent a letter with a return address to the same last name as the property owner.

    I have helped clarify title which was in the name of a man declared criminaly insane. Now that was fun. How do you handle his forceful committment and the appointment of his representative. Yip. Conservatorships for a naughty person who is in custody. Very interesting. You just go on making waves on behalf of those who are left behind. In the end a sale of the property a return of the funds spent on rehab and a split of the profit. No not a 50/50 split but how about 30/70.

    Dealing with the Public Administrators office now thats a specialty unto itself. A great object lesson. Write a will. Be sure it is around and in good hands when you go. Otherwise you will get to deal with the Public Administrator. But after awhile you reach the point that nothing suprises you.

    For some strange reason no matter how busy I get, I always go out and hit at least 10 doors a week. Pick the time just before dinner hour which here in the States is about 6PM. Knock on the door. Try the various approaches. I carry all sorts of contracts and of course several copies of the 1003 which when filled out gives you a pretty good background on the property owners. Also I can get back to the office and pull credit and get a three agency report. Those are the tools you need if you are to attempt a save of the property. Also to advise you really need information and the easiest way is just to fill in the 1003.

    Ah well. Try it, and keep on trying. North Hollywood is an interesting area for NOD there is a good steady flow even on todays high market. An awful lot of them get cured between NOD and Notice of Trustees Sale. Competition at last please be better then the last ten. I think the Middle East one was the most fun. His language was not good. Had no Spanish and he would get mad and start screaming. Waved his Report in the Air and actualy show it to the people in default. Big naughty. I think he opened a Pawn Shop and hired a spanish speaking trainee. Ah well.


  • knsv13th July, 2004

    Yeah theres pleanty of funny situations my partner was saying some guy answered the door naked completely and was talking to him. Alot of times though they dont want to deal or hear your stuff cuz they have some attorney doing the BK for them.

    And thats another topic that i dont really find clear. Alot of them postpone their Trustee Sale every month after month after month it goes on for a while they keep doing BK or some kinda scams.

    Lofus i know your the pro at this was wondering if you know anything about this also i had your number i was suppose to get in touch with you and didnt get a chance.

    So any info would be appreciated

  • foreman14th July, 2004

    I just recently got enough nerve to knock on doors. It saved a lot of money on postcards considering some have taken care of the situation and some skipped town already. I feel a little more confident now since I can accept rejection. I even went as far as to ask the neighbors where the owners were, and received addresses and phone numbers. I also found one lady who thought her exhusband had already taken care of it backpayments. If I had not shown up she would have thought everything was just fine. Knocking on doors gives me 5 or more days head start on the investors who mail out postcards. I don't know anyone else in my area who knocks on doors. So I think I will ride it out.

  • cjmazur14th July, 2004

    I'd bbe vary warry of making any promises like forclosure gone in 24hr. That's ripe for getting into a lawsuit.

    I can do it in as short as 24 is a better way to say and 90% of the people can't tell the difference.

    Someone I met resently uses fed-ex envelopes left on the front porch. EVERYONE opens a fed-ex. LOL!

    Also, don't forget the beneficary (lender) and an "in".

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