Kessler: Is his course worth it?

The Kessler team is in Michigan, selling Ernie's three-day course for 3400.00...are any of you graduates?

Got any advice?


  • rajwarrior28th April, 2003


    I haven't taken this course/seminar (or any for that matter), but I thought I'd leave my response to this post.

    What could he offer in 3 days that could possibly be worth $3400.00? From past posts, most people agree that these seminars are mostly fluff. Motivational speeches that give little new or useful info. If there is any really good stuff in the seminar, how could you effectively retain it after only 3 days?

    You could put that $3400.00 into your REI career as a downpayment, instead. I'd bet that you'll get more out of it that way. If you're really intent on spending it, though, invest in John Locke's subject to training manual. Join a university class here at TCI. Check out the other books/courses/manuals on the shop section here. They'll all beat out what you'll learn at a seminar, I'm sure.

    Finally, if you think you'll need the great motivational speeches given at the majority of these seminars, then drop me a line. For $25.00 a time, I'll be glad to tell you how much money you can make, what you can buy, and how you deserve to do it all because you're so good.

    Good luck in your REI career, and save your money.


  • Visualized28th April, 2003


    Qoute: "Finally, if you think you'll need the great motivational speeches given at the majority of these seminars, then drop me a line. For $25.00 a time, I'll be glad to tell you how much money you can make, what you can buy, and how you deserve to do it all because you're so good."

    I laughed so hard...still laughing. heh heh...anyways,


    Some investors are not fond of John T. Reed's opinions of REI Gurus. I am still new to the industry but I like Mr. Reed's approach. He sometimes can be pessimistic and come off real petty - but on the whole, I like his upfront style. He has a website where he offers his opinion on many populuar gurus. He does rate Kessler and gives some commentary.
    Here is the link to his Guru Rating page

    Hope this helps. I agree with rajwarrior - the 3K can be better spent.



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