Just Wondering. Typically, How Many Offers Are You Making A Month?

Hello, all,

I was just wondering... How many subject to offers are you making a month?

Some days I just talk with neighbors to see who's kinda ready. Other days I make offers only on properties that I feel are really ready (motivated).

Just wondering.

Thanks :-D ,



  • OnTheWater21st July, 2004

    Hmm. No one's making offers?



  • Eric_M21st July, 2004

    Depens on your advertising, you cant put up one ad in the paper and expect to get hundreds of calls. Its different for everyone.

  • OnTheWater22nd July, 2004

    I've most certainly have not got my point accross.

    Thanks :-D ,


  • maxwellpropertyinvestment22nd July, 2004

    On Sub To deals I'm making at least 3 offers a week right now. And if they say no now I wait 30 days and watch there motivation go up until they call back.

  • jeff1200222nd July, 2004

    No offense meant, But why all the polls about what everyone else is doing? The answers provided really have nothing to do with anything that affects you or your ability to conduct your business, or your motivation.

  • ChasG22nd July, 2004

    OTW - I am not making any offers at the moment. I am still reading and creating my business plan, strategies and short and long term goals. I hope to start making offers in Sept.

  • OnTheWater22nd July, 2004

    No offense taken, jeff12002.

    Oh, what's his name? Ah, yes... Tony Robbins. Know upon what his material is based? The experience of not just other people, but those other people who are at the top of their game or industry. REI is my industry.

    I'd now have to kindly disagree with you greatly that what others are doing has nothing to do with me or my business plan.

    Ever play pool? How about fish?

    Without exception after I've played pool with a very good pool player, my game has improved. Same thing with fishing.

    If you fished with Greg Hackney, Denny Brauer or Mark Davis of the BASS & FLW tours for a while, you'd understand bass behavior much more quickly --why reinvent the wheel?

    I've tried to learn from those who are very good at what they do, and in year and one quarter that my wife and I have been in REI, we've done very well.

    I leave my day job on September, and I have only those who've helped me to thank for such freedom.



  • miraclehomes22nd July, 2004

    I make 15 to 20 offers a week sub2. About 10 cash offers a week. About 5 Land Contract offers a week, and finally approximately 2 Lease Option Offers. Any other questions?

  • JohnMichael22nd July, 2004


    Making offers are a dime a dozen, it's the deal that counts!

    I am involved in 100's of real estate transactions every year.

    Are you having problems in making deals or just fishing?

  • jeff1200223rd July, 2004

    Congratulations on your success, and good luck with things when you go full time. I'm not able to go full time yet. I know that I should be out more, making more deals. I think that's why I took the position I did. I was feeling guilty.
    Best of luck,

  • clegg25th July, 2004

    hey guys, relax. Getting heated in here. A simple question deserves a simple answer. No rules broken.
    And no, no deals for me. I am just a poor college student debating whether to buy Locke's book...!


  • muadib6725th July, 2004

    First off Im making currently 5 to 7 offers a week...I get alot of them accepted because those I go see are already predisposed to accept. I can see how reading about others actually out there hustling and bustling can be motivating. However I believe that its not the number of offers you make its how many are accepted. Also someone might not make the same amount of offers as i do based on either personal drive or target area. Make as many as you can but do your research so that you dont spin your wheels with owners who arent ready to deal...

  • Ichabod26th July, 2004


    Get the book.
    You're financial situation will turn a 180 ( IF you put what it has to say into action).

    As far as the $Cash$ man, I was waiting for him to reply in this thread before I posted this.

    I copied and saved something he mentioned about making offers, from a different message board...so, they're his words, not mine.

    Just thought I would share, since it was a thread about making offers in the subject-to forum. I've benefitted from it, and hopefully someone else will.
    I hope you don't mind, $Cash$


    "You are certainly right, it is a numbers game. Only the difference is 'offers' are 'wishes' if you are talking to a seller.

    I do not make a 'wish' and hope someone says yes. I make my presentation to the seller and close the deal right then and there. In all fairness I am unaware of what type of investing you do, so maybe you do have to make an offer to a lender or mortgage holder.

    I am in the Subject To business, so there is no 'look over my offer', 'call me when you decide', etc. I am there at the sellers house for one reason and that is to buy the house if it is a win/win situation for everyone.

    Wasting those numbers by not closing the deal puts the number percentages in the 'also ran' category of investors.

    So to ask the question with "how many deals did you close today?", because you convinced the seller they can use your help. They did need your help would be a more positive way at looking at those precious numbers once gone into the never, never land of offers never to return.

    I hope my 'offer' of advice makes sense."
    "I said win/win situation for everyone if I do the deal. I do not leave it up to the seller to see the light at the end of the tunnel, I convince him when I am there that I am the 'man'.

    I am not there telling the seller how cute his kids are or what beautiful furniture he has or gee that bowling ball is round. I leave this type of conversation to the encyclopedia salesman.

    When I speak of closing the deal I am speaking to a new person to build their confidence that buying and selling properties is not as difficult as one is sometimes is led to believe if you belive in yourself."


    "When I started in this business I was 56 years old. The only book I read even near real estate investing was Zig Ziglar's "Closing The Sale". I found a need and I filled it, that simple. Just substituted houses for pots and pans, which is what Zig sold.

    I came across these forums and boards a short time ago, this is how I learned what I did, 'Subject To' deals, I just thought the loan stayed in the owners name. Boy was I surprised to find out what I did.

    They were only two I Buy Houses ads in the newpaper, but when the Guru's came to town and then left, there would be 20 ads the first week 10 ads the second week. The third week just me and the other guy. Now there are 20-25 ads every week in the paper. I saw this coming so I figured I better find a better mouse trap for finding motivated sellers.

    It dawned on me that a pattern was devolping in my buying houses. I do direct mail in conjunction with Data Quick. I developed a program that I refer to as the Demographic Marketing System (DMS). I had to give it a name for the files it contains in my computer. I punch in figures and this tells me who is most likely to need my assistance, then I direct mail those chosen. House sellers call me I do not call them.
    [Sales is a very critical in what I do, this is just the way I do it. I use a memorized scripted presentation on every single deal, I do not deviate from my script because it works for me. The script I developed starts with the Phone call to closing on the deal.

    I have never read a real estate investing course, not that I do not believe that a new person starting out should not, because I think it is important they do. I think this forum is important to help the new person develop to become sucessful in the real estate investing industry.

    I think Subject To investing requires sales ability, which would include negotiating ability. If you want it to happen it will, there are motivated sellers everywhere.

    Just the way I do things."

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