Just Wandering!!!!!!!

Hell-o all I was just wandering how many deals do you all do in a month noy what you plan to do but a real number of what you do on average in one month....I was talking to a guy about REI and went off saying that the guru's are the only ones making money and the newbies just dream....I told him that the guru's had to start from somewhere and they were once newbies to..........S sitting here waiting to get off work I was just wandering how many deals does the average joe investor do in a month...................................Mjd oh oh


  • jeff1200216th January, 2004

    We've done 3 in five months, Just gettin startted.

  • jackman16th January, 2004

    4 since december 1st.

    no super-sized deals, just keep busy type properties. i'm still looking for the elusive retirement deal!

  • EUREO16th January, 2004

    Pennsylvania, the lend of the steel-cheep RE. What is the average size of a deal? 50K-70K? Put some of those deals in NY or LA and you got yourself the 2nd civil wargrin

  • Wingnut16th January, 2004

    In 2003 I did 71 total deals, In 2004 I have a goal set at 100. By the way are you wondering or wandering?

  • keoki16th January, 2004

    rehabs I try to buy 1 a week, some weeks are better than others.

  • sire16th January, 2004

    How many of these deals are subject to and how are you advertising to get the deals?

  • mjdreal16th January, 2004


  • bgrossnickle16th January, 2004

    No idea about the Average Joe. I try to buy 1 house ever 2 months. My current criteria is that after buying, fixing, holding, selling costs ... I need to make 15k. That does not mean that I will necessarily buy and resale, that is just my yardstick. I buy pretty low end properties, say under 75k. For houses the need more rehab or require more capitol, my 15k would not be a good return. Not that I am scoffing at 15k, just if things went wrong, a positive 15k could become a negative on a larger project.

    BTW - The numbers given by the other posters are most definately not Average Joes.


  • jackman17th January, 2004

    EUREO, if you're talking western pennsylvania (pittsburgh area), then yes, steel-cheap RE. but not philly. i could buy a city block in an area of philly that you buy a home for in rich areas of CA or NYC. there are still way cheaper properties than ny or ca, but we have our share of big boys too. i just don't get them!

    besides, i kinda feel better paying $100k for a $100k house, and not $400k for a $100k house, just because. hahaha

    On 2004-01-16 02:14, EUREO wrote:
    Pennsylvania, the lend of the steel-cheep RE. What is the average size of a deal? 50K-70K? Put some of those deals in NY or LA and you got yourself the 2nd civil wargrin

  • Lufos17th January, 2004

    To: Midreal in er beside Lake Isabella

    There is no set figure and never set one. What you do is work them as they fall in front of you. You may do one and then nothing for three months. It is not the amount of deals, it is the value received by you on each one that you do.

    Some of your transactions may not bear fruit for an extended period of time. Others happen so fast that it seems like magic.

    I took off for two years and just traveled and visited all the places I never had time in my Military Career. It was fun. When I came back I did three deals within two weeks. Two of them were loosers. But that last one, Oh my god, I bought a note and trust deed out of an estate. Non performing mortgage. Do you know why it was non performing? Because nobody ever asked for payments. I bought that little darb for 20% of face and was knocking on the owners door before the notary had her stamp back in the box. He just wrote me a check caught up the one year back due payments. Then because he had called me so many names he went right down and did a refinance. Boy was he mad. Actualy I couldn't disagree, most of the things he called me were true. I wonder how he found out? He made me cry. I stopped when his bank paid on the check.

    Sobbing Lucius <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_cool.gif"> [ Edited by Lufos on Date 01/17/2004 ]

  • nebulousd17th January, 2004

    Is your question in regards to sub to deals or are you speaking just deals period....rehabs? flips? short sales?.....?

  • mjdreal17th January, 2004

    Hell-o all thanks for your feed back!!!!!!!

    Nebuloused,,, I was just asking for in general deals ( all kinds ) !!!!! Just courious that's all,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MD

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