Just Wandering

Hell-o all I was just wandering why any one would let you subject/2 there home instead of letting you lease option it...I was just wandering if it's because you sing a Agreement for deed or what...Any help with my thinking or lack thereof would be great,,,,,Thank-you all for your time and help with-out you I would be very lost ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Thanks,,,,,,,,,,,MD oh oh


  • Lufos5th December, 2003

    When people are jamned up a quick solution to their problem is just to assign over the property and away they go. You then bring current the debt if it is an up market and there is a possibility of recapturing equty. If not. You lease the home try for an option payment. Let it grind out.

    If market is desending you do the same, and step aside. Your profit is the collected rents and other considerations.

    So far market is climbing or stationary. So look for a return on Lease/Option with some payment consideration for the Option. Then Let her grind.

    Another ploy on a swift crashing market is to allow the forcl to proceed and then as master interested tenant with some color of ownership then negotiate a favorable buy from the REO.

    I do not see such a market at this time so I am just doing a stationary rent with an option payment if possible.

    Stationary Lucius

  • demosthenes5th December, 2003

    It depends on the person. If the person is knowledgeble they might want a lease ooption. Or maybe they just want to get rid of the house.

    Alot of it will depend on you and what you ask for.

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