Just Had To Share

I kinda did the opposite when it came to getting involved in real estate. I bought the CS program and yes even the infamous swindler William Mckorkle to name a few. Irregardless of following their program or not, the information provided leads directly to investigation. I had no intentions of investing on just the info given on any one course. I in turn wanted to know the basics. I've pretty much been like this all me life. Later, when I made the jump to active investing I found that such real estate specific courses, such as, johns sub-2 and Short Sale Pro' primer, came to me much easier. I knew the platform from which they were talking from.

Example, I used to collegiate wrestle from grade school on up into university and the military, I was taught the basics at an early age, 7-9 strong but basic moves. I thought I had perfected these moves and was ready to move on. I was taught more advanced moves, techniques and strategy etc etc. As time went on and the competion got steeper I noticed I had to rely more on my basics and strategy to score. If you watch olympic grade wrestling you will notice that the matches are almost boring as the only real thing seen are your basic moves with low scoring matches. world class athletes at this level are forced to implement the basics taught from the beginning, almost inborn. If my REI career comes full circle, and, if I use the above model as a predicator I know that to get to the top later on , I must remember how I statrted(basics) and of course, WHO contributed to my success.

I think at some point we would all like to be the next Trump and, imo, I dont think he does sub-2's anymore or some of the other advanced real estate acqisition techniques. Or maybe he does but on a much grander scale. Anyways, thats where John Locke and other integrity rich people in our industry are so valuable to our success. I knew early on what was gonna work for me, I sifted through the BS and am now building the blocks to my success. And, some day I might just be paying outa pocket cash ONLY for any property I desire, which BASICALLY, is what i would have loved to have done in the beginning.

The outcome in REI will always be undetermined. You can, however, put the odds closer to your side of the closing table by knowing your industry' basics and parameters. I've been involved in REI off and on for quite a few years and am by no means an expert, however, if i ever had any advice about REI from the get-go, would be to completely 100% immerse yourself into the studies of your industry. you will find that real estate is unlike any other industy in the world. its the ole saying , dont show up to gun fight with a sling shot..Be prepared.

I just wanted to share this after reading a blurb from another investor commenting on the help he received from mark reynolds(commercial king) and john locke's last comment about how he was going to get involved at a much higher level regarding the defense of sub-2's in refernce to some investing turmoil in N.C.. i believe these two guys are at the top of their niche investing career. Its nice to see the help from these two among many, many others on this board. We can go out and learn, do deals and close all on this board, while some of our teachers and expert commentators are out in the state wide and national trenches going to beaurocratic war so we can continue to do what we know is legal, ethical and just . huh, sounds the same as our boys in iraq, afghanistan and world wide are doing for us as well. i dont know how the above tied into john, mark, joel, rajwarrior and others but i just had to say thanks for all the advice etc...



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